Morning Miscellany ……..

Conservative Tribune: 

Banning Big Soda!

Liberals seem to live in a constant state of daydreaming, as they contemplate ways to manipulate humanity’s behavior through endless regulations designed to alter a human’s environment. They truly think, despite common sense and logic dictating otherwise, that the government knows what’s best for the people, and that individuals are incapable of making the “right” choice.

Nanny State gets it’s hands slapped…


Conservative Tribune:

Power grab Appointments..

Barack Obama is getting a strong reminder that as much as he desires for his power as president to be unlimited, that’s a fantasy that will have to remain in his imagination. Obama, not one to let the law get in his way, has attempted to use his recess appointment power to install nominees of….

Poor wannabe Boy King Obama gets his hands slapped..


Atlas Shrugs:

Supporting Jihad!

Exhibiting the hubris of a jihadi, President Obama has asked the U.S. Congress approve $500 million to train and equip “moderate Syrian rebels.” The fact is that the “moderate Syrian rebels” are linked to al-Qaeda.

Treason and traitorous, is Obama and his minions!


Atlas Shrugs:

What they fight, they must observe?

Our troops must adhere to the sharia during the Islamic month of Ramadan in Bahrain and other Muslim countries. Subjected to dawah (proselytizing) by an Islamic cultural adviser at the Naval Support Activity, soldiers are forced to sit through lessons on Islam. No eating, drinking, alcohol, smoking during the month of Ramadan.

More fail from Obama and his minions…



UN Gun Marking scheme..

The cat in the birdcage at the 11-year-old PoA is the hidden horror that Canadian gun owners should greatly fear – the U.N. gun marking scheme.

America best be paying attention…



Defenseless in Kalifornistan!

Do you need to defend yourself?  Not according to Bill Gore.  Sheriff Bill Gore said law enforcement will protect you if you live in San Diego County.

And we know how well this goes. LEOs will arrive to process the crime scene and mark a chalkline around your fallen body..


American Arms:

Tyranny and Oppression in Chicago continues..

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plan to allow gun stores to exist “in only about half of a percent of Chicago’s geographic area” got the go ahead on June 25. City Alderman voted 48-0 in favor of the plan…

48-0 in favor? What did Rahm threaten those that would have disagreed with his plan with?


Liberty Crier:

Kill Privacy, Kill Rights!

Without privacy, there will ultimately be no gun rights. Just as the Second Amendment protects all the rest, the Fourth protects the Second.

Remember that!!


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