U.S. Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ Specialist In Washington D.C…..

(Patrick Howley) The Army National Guard is actively recruiting for a job position called “Internment/Resettlement Specialist.” People as young as seventeen years old are eligible for the gig, which includes “Search/Restraint” as “Some of the Skills You’ll Learn,” according to an Army National Guard job posting with a job location listed as Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, […]

U.S. Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ Specialist In Washington D.C. — ஜ ۩ Whiskey Tango Texas ۩ ஜ

One thought on “U.S. Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ Specialist In Washington D.C…..

  1. George_Banner August 14, 2021 / 6:55 am

    Let it never be said that Venezuericans went down this path in any other way than voluntarily.

    When the leftoxenomorphs are shouting their poisonous and deadly hate and their gleichschaltung plans to our faces . . .

    There will be no excuse.

    “But we didn’t know!!” Yes, you did.

    “But we didn’t want this!!” Yes, you did. This is your country. You let it happen. Who do you think is in charge? The Congolese?

    “But we didn’t know it would go this far!!” Yes, you did. You are a civilized human being. History is there for everybody. The claim of ignorance won’t save you.

    “But I was against it!!” Aaahhh . . . nice of you. Did you let yourself know that? Because you did nothing about it.

    “But I wasn’t in charge!!” Yes, you were. Who do you think is in charge? The koalas on the other side of the world? The people like you are in charge. Heard of us? You are part of this.

    I don’t know if we still have a chance at stopping the leftoxenomorph juggernaut.

    But if we don’t, we will be the guiltiest of all the guilty in the history of man and the ghosts of Cain and Judas will look at each other in amazement and go “man!! . . . I thought we had f#cked up!!” and the ghost of hitler will chuckle behind them “Uh!!! . . . look who’s choosing gleichschaltung, now!!! . . . look who’s goose-stepping, now!!! . . . I was right all along!!! . . . ALL ALONG!!!!!!” and give a little kick of excited satisfaction like he did in 1940 when he forced France to surrender to him in the same railroad car in which Germany surrendered in 1918.

    What would it take to wake up the unwilling, the willfully idle?

    I answered myself, didn’t I?

    The Venezuericans are not sleeping. They are not interested. Not enough.

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