Well That Went From …..

To not so fun in a hurry.
Yesterday, in spite of the only deer we saw was at O dark early while driving to our hunting spot. It was a good day being together and tromping through the woods.
That changed last night as we reclined at hotel watching the Gophers vs the Buckeyes football game. I dozed off before game finished. About 11:00 was awoken by eldest to the sounds of his brother heaving his guts out. This went on throughout the night until about 0500. Now at almost 0800 both boys are sleeping and I am reading, checking email, trying to post with the Kindle Fire.
And not hunting today!!!!
Well, there is next weekend…..

One thought on “Well That Went From …..

  1. oldvet November 8, 2015 / 10:58 am

    I feel for you.hope youngun is OK. Got rained out yesterday and sitting in blind now.

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