The SPLC And Mainstream Media Keep Spreading Hate

“The SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center] is probably the most dangerous hate group in America,” says Dr. Michael Brown–and he’s probably right.

“Which is more insidious, the enemy that you recognize or the enemy that appears to be your friend? Which is more dangerous, a rag-tag bunch of poorly-funded White Supremacists or a well-organized, massively-funded, ‘civil rights’ organization which demonizes Christian conservatives? And which lie is more likely to spread, one that is false from beginning to end or one that mixes with falsehood with truth?

Source: Columns > The SPLC And Mainstream Media Keep Spreading Hate

Greek Government’s Moral Bankruptcy on Soviet Terror Generates Strong Response from Estonia

International Liberty

I like the Baltic nations, as illustrated by what I wrote last year.

I’m a big fan of…Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. These three countries emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Empire and they have taken advantage of their independence to become successful market-driven economies. One key to their relative success is tax policy. All three nations have flat taxes. And the Baltic nations all deserve great praise for cutting the burden of government spending in response to the global financial crisis/great recession (an approach that produced much better results than the Keynesian policies and/or tax hikes that were imposed in many other countries).

No wonder the Baltic nations are doing a good job of achieving economic convergence.

I’ve specifically praised Estonia on several occasions.

Estonia’s system is so good (particularly its approach to business taxation) that the Tax Foundation ranks it as the best in…

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Media BiASSed: Classless Hacks…

1. Here’s What Politico Thinks of Texas Storm Victims


In an unbelievably classless move, Politico tweeted the latest political cartoon from illustrator Matt Wuerker that actually mocked Texas victims of Hurricane Harvey, portraying them as Confederate sympathizers who want to secede from the United States.

2. MSNBC Slimes: ‘Trump Talks Taxes as Gulf Death Toll Climbs’


Without an actual journalist even saying a word, MSNBC on Wednesday slimed Donald Trump as uncaring.  Apparently, it’s inappropriate for the President to have the federal government do more than one thing at a time. During Trump’s speech on plans for simplifying and cutting taxes, MSNBC ran this nasty graphic: “Trump Calls for Simplifying Tax Code as Texas Floods.”

3. Morning Joe: ‘Something Wrong With’ Trump, Not Able to be ‘Human and Empathetic’


On Wednesday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe wasted no time trashing President Trump’s visit to Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Co-host Mika Brzezinski repeatedly suggested there was “something wrong with” Trump as pundits ganged up to accuse the President of not showing sufficient empathy toward victims of the disaster.

4. S.E. Cupp Unloads on Relitigating Sandy Bill During Harvey; ‘How Old Are You People?’


On the Wednesday edition of her HLN show, conservative/libertarian host S.E. Cupp ripped into the current political debate over disaster relief funding in light of Hurricane Harvey that’s centered around how lawmakers felt about the so-called Sandy relief package in January 2013.

5. CBS Blames Climate Change and Houston for Harvey Devastation


With flood waters barely beginning to recede, CBS Evening News ran a segment on Wednesday blaming climate change and the construction of Houston for the high level of destruction from Hurricane Harvey. “So why was Harvey so devastating to Houston? Some experts tell us the Gulf of Mexico is as much as seven degrees warmer than average,” announced Co-Anchor Demarco Morgan from Houston.

6. Two Weeks Since First Promoting Antifa, Chuck Todd Still Silent


It was two weeks ago Wednesday when NBC News Moderator Chuck Todd first elevated the radical and violent left-wing group known as Antifa on MTP Daily following the violent clashes in Charlottesville. And since then, Antifa was reported to have thrown bottles of urine at Boston police, assaulted an older woman, and beaten peaceful Trump supporters in Berkley. And despite the fact that Democratic leaders and liberal newspapers have been condemning the group Todd has remained silent.

7. Journalism’s Temple to Itself on ‘Death Watch’ After ‘Stunning Decline’


Journalism’s temple to its own self importance, the Newseum in Washington D.C., is on a “death watch,” according to the Washington Post. The 250,000 square foot museum is in such bad shape that even Politico thinks it “deserves to die.” Post journalist Peggy McGlone on Wednesday delivered the bad news: “The Newseum has been on a death watch before, but Monday’s announcement that its parent foundation is considering selling the sprawling Washington museum devoted to journalism is a stunning acknowledgment of its long-standing struggles.”

Concealing a Matter

Concealing a Matter

August 31

“He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy” (Prov. 28:13)

None of us are immune from making poor choices in our lives. David made a number of seemingly minor choices that snowballed into an avalanche of suffering, shame and tragedy. It started when he chose to stay at home in Jerusalem instead of going out to lead his troops into battle, as was his duty. David had too much time on his hands, which ultimately led to him committing adultery with Bathsheba and trying to cover up that sin with murder.

So God sent the prophet Nathan to tell King David a story: “There were two men in a town, one rich, one poor. The rich man had many sheep and cattle. The poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he raised like one of the family. The ewe lamb shared the man’s food, drank from his cup, and slept in his arms. One day, when the rich man had a guest to entertain, he didn’t want to slaughter any of his own sheep or cattle, so he took the poor man’s lamb, killed it, and prepared it as a feast for his guest.”

David responded: “The rich man deserves death!” he said. “He must pay the man four times the value of the lamb, because he did an unjust thing and had no compassion!”

Then Nathan turned to King David and said, “You are the man! This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in His eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own!'” To his credit, David confessed and repented of his sins, and God forgave him.

God’s forgiveness restores the broken relationship between Himself and sinner, but forgiveness can’t make everything exactly as it was. Sin has consequences that forgiveness cannot change. David had consequences he had to live with for the rest of his life.

Dealing Positively with Doubt

August 31
Dealing Positively with Doubt
For reading & meditation – Acts 17
“… they … examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (v. 11)

What do we do when we find ourselves assailed by honest doubt? Well, first we must recognize that doubts can be valuable if they motivate us to search deep and long for the answers. Perhaps it was this thought that led Samuel Coleridge to say, “Never be afraid of doubt … if you have the disposition to believe.” Unfortunately, there is very little sympathy given to those who doubt in most evangelical churches. Doubters are about as welcome in some congregations as a ham sandwich in a synagogue! It was because of the lack of concern shown in many churches toward those with honest doubts that two American missionaries, Francis and Edith Schaeffer, set up their ministry in a remote Swiss village. They established a center for those with doubts about their faith and called it L’Abri, which is French for “The Shelter.” Hundreds made their way there over the years, and came back with their doubts resolved. Have you ever heard of Frank Morrison? He was an agnostic who, many years ago, set out to demonstrate the validity of his doubts about the resurrection of Christ. The more he looked into the facts, however, the more convinced he became that Christ actually did rise from the dead. He finished up writing a book entitled Who Moved the Stone?, which is one of the greatest evidences for the resurrection I have ever read. There are clear answers to all the doubts you may have concerning the Christian faith. Search for these answers, and the more you struggle, the stronger will be your faith.
Prayer: Father, help me today to understand that all things can contribute to my faith, including my doubts. When I realize this, then I will go far. Thank You, Father. Amen.
For Further Study
1. What did Jesus teach about doubt?
2. What causes doubt, and how should it be dealt with?