


As a mother, let me start with little Willemien.

Willemien (pictured below) was only two years old when, along with her mother, she was forced to watch her farmer father stabbed 151 times with a garden fork. Her little feet were dipped in her father’s blood, and she was then lifted up by her baby-soft red hair, and shot at point-blank range through her head. Then her mother was forced to her knees and shot through the back of her head.

willemian potgieter

At the trial of the family’s six killers, all local black men, a large crowd gathered outside the court in celebration of the slaughter, cheering the killers as heroes and saviours. Women (under the circumstances I use the word women very loosely) danced and sang in excited joy.

The young family are only three among thousands of their kind, butchered with sickening, animalistic savagery, in an…

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One thought on “Willemien

  1. Bill Wallace, a Yankee apologist November 8, 2017 / 10:25 pm

    I lived in Southern Africa. Whites have no future there. I had thought the blacks there better than West africian blacks, but I was wrong. Every South African white should leave. Africa is a jungle and will always be so. I just hope America doesn’t follow. By the way for all those whites that supported the ANC and communists, hope you and yours get your just rewards soon.

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