Gun-Owners Are Being Blamed for the Failures of Liberalism!!!

In order for leftists to succeed, lawful gun-owners must be tricked into going along with this illusion. Unfortunately for the left, people who are serious enough to decide to accept the responsibility of careful stewardship of firearms are not stupid enough to ignore that we are living in a cesspool entirely of the left’s making. Not surprisingly, mature, responsible gun-owners have declined the left’s invitation to be caricatured and smeared as the scapegoats for where liberalism has taken us as a culture. As serious people, they don’t have much capacity for irrational, emotionally unhinged accusers pointing their fingers at those who not only did not cultivate the environment that has bred mass shooters, but also do not provide such people from their own ranks. The phenomena of unhinged “mass shooters” and the predictably vulnerable environments where they carry out their evil are unique byproducts of liberalism and its failures.

via Gun-Owners Are Being Blamed for the Failures of Liberalism

3 thoughts on “Gun-Owners Are Being Blamed for the Failures of Liberalism!!!

  1. Brittius March 12, 2018 / 6:51 am

    Reblogged this on .

    • MaddMedic March 12, 2018 / 6:57 am


      • Brittius March 12, 2018 / 8:30 am

        You’re welcome.

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