One thought on “‘There’s a concerted effort to make people afraid of crime,’ Moriarty claims

  1. pzcdr67 June 15, 2024 / 3:25 pm

    Gee. How spineless to be “afraid of crime”.

    I mean, I’d look forward to the challenge of getting to and from work or play everyday with the idea it may be my last.

    Nothing like the thrill of getting held up and getting killed.

    I’m sure her security detail enjoys the adrenalin rush one gets from a running gun battle. So does mine….. wait, I don’t have one.

    Can’t wait for the day she or one of her loved one’s enjoys the experience. I bet she’ll just be a-tidder and have the Big O.

    Crime – the ultimate good time – for victim and perpetrator.

    Defund the police – all they do is interfere with a good time – in her world.

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