CNN Op Ed Shows How Little Gun Grabbers Understand Text Of Second Amendment

We know that the gun control crowd isn’t a fan of the Second Amendment. Just what form their issue with it takes varies from person to person, but they universally take issue with it. For some, it’s a mistaken belief that it only applies to the arms of the day, as if our Founding Fathers lacked sufficient vision to understand that guns would advance over time. For others, it’s something even dumber.

Take, for example, an op-ed run at CNN this past weekend where we get to hear more emotional prattle from an anti-gun zealot:

via Op Ed Shows How Little Gun Grabbers Understand Second Amendment

Media BiASSed: Ignoring News or Ignorance?

1. Nets Omit Alleged Harassment from Glenn Thrush, CBS Skips Franken’s


Monday brought a deluge of new sexual harassment allegations implicating high profile men across the worlds of politics and journalism. Among the accused was CBS’s Charlie Rose, which was adequately reported by the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). But in stark contrast, they completely omitted the emerging allegations against New York Times White House Correspondent Glenn Thrush, and the second accuser of Democratic Senator Al Franken went grossly under reported.

2. MSNBC: ‘Slippery Slope’ to Hold Franken Accountable for Groping


As reports came in Monday morning of another woman claiming she was groped by Minnesota Senator Al Franken, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle seemed to downplay the new allegations against the Democratic lawmaker. She warned that judging Franken’s behavior too harshly would lead down a “slippery slope.”

3. Joy Behar, Chris Matthews Shrug Off Franken’s Behavior as ‘Careless’ ‘Embarrassing’ ‘Satire’


Last week, television and radio host Leeann Tweeden shared her story of being violated and harassed sexually by Minnesota Democrat Senator Al Franken, in 2006, while the two were doing a USO tour together in Afghanistan. Monday, another woman came forward accusing Franken of grabbing her behind while posing for a photo in 2010.

4. Chris Matthews Repents: ‘I’m Trying to Make Up For the Fact I Think I Was Too Tough on Clinton’


While a number of liberal journalists and politicians have had the sudden revelation that they supported a “sexual predator” in the White House twenty plus years ago, some liberals are having the exact opposite reaction to the anti-sexual harassment wave that has swept the culture.

5. NBC Moves On from Border Patrol Death, ABC Gives More Time to Black Friday


Over the weekend, tragic news broke in Texas just miles from the U.S./Mexico border of an apparent attack that left one Border Patrol agent dead and another one seriously injured. According to reports as of Monday, it appeared as though the agents may have been beaten with rocks by attackers in an ambush. Coverage of the death varied widely among the Big Three Networks Monday evening. CBS Evening News led with the incident while NBC Nightly News omitted completely.

Check Your Armor

Check Your Armor

November 21


“That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies…. (Joshua 7:12).

Battle commanders want to know the vulnerabilities of their enemies. Companies want to know the vulnerabilities of their competition. We also need to know our spiritual vulnerability.

This is the message God told Joshua when he attempted to go against a small army at Ai, which was the Israelites’ second battle in the Promised Land. Sometimes we try to figure out why we are not successful in an endeavor from the natural only. We look at all aspects of our performance to see what went wrong. Perhaps our strategy was flawed or our timing was off or our pricing was wrong. For the people of Israel, it was not easily seen on the surface. Everything seemed just as it should be from Joshua’s vantage point, so when his army was soundly defeated, he cried out to God, “Ah, Sovereign Lord, why did You ever bring this people across the Jordan to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us?” (Josh. 7:7a).

The people had been defeated because God could not bless them. One person had violated the covenant with God. They were not to take any possessions from the first battle, but one person failed to be obedient and the whole army suffered.

Sin makes our armor vulnerable to attack from Satan, who then gains permission from God to attack us in the area where we have failed to uphold righteousness. If we break down in moral purity, Satan comes in and establishes a stronghold. If we give place to bitterness and unwillingness to forgive, we will break fellowship with God and others. If we become money-focused, we will fall into greed and deception. It is a vicious cycle.

Examine your armor today. Make sure you are not susceptible to attack. Begin from a solid spiritual foundation and your chances of success will be great.

The small dare not be humble

November 21
The small dare not be humble
John 13
“Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power … began to wash the disciples’ feet …” (vv.3-5)


Humility is not a cringing, servile attitude — although, sadly, many Christians seem to view it in this way. Philip Brooks, a great American preacher, once said: “The true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatness is. Stand at your highest, and then look at Christ, then go away and forever be humble.”The truly humble are conscious of greatness before they are conscious of humility.
The passage before us today says: “Jesus, with the full knowledge that the Father had put everything into his hands and that he had come from God and was going to God, rose from the supper-table, took off his outer clothes, picked up a towel and fastened it round his waist … and began to wash the disciples’ feet” (John 13:3?5, J.B. Phillips). The consciousness of greatness was the secret of our Lord’s humility. The small dare not be humble. But Jesus’ greatness was rooted in God. Being in God made Him great — and humble. Great because humble — humble because great.
A Hindu said to a missionary: “I used to believe in idols but now I don’t believe in them at all. I am coming round to believe that I myself am a god.” He gave up his idols and made one of himself! When we lose our perspective on God, we lose our perspective on humility. It is as simple as that: no true vision of God — no true vision of humility.
O God, help me, in my effort to understand humility, always to remember that it springs from a consciousness of greatness. I want my sense of greatness to be rooted in You — then humility follows as easily as day follows night. Amen.
For Further Study
1. How did Jesus say we show greatness?
2. What was Jesus’ testimony