


As a mother, let me start with little Willemien.

Willemien (pictured below) was only two years old when, along with her mother, she was forced to watch her farmer father stabbed 151 times with a garden fork. Her little feet were dipped in her father’s blood, and she was then lifted up by her baby-soft red hair, and shot at point-blank range through her head. Then her mother was forced to her knees and shot through the back of her head.

willemian potgieter

At the trial of the family’s six killers, all local black men, a large crowd gathered outside the court in celebration of the slaughter, cheering the killers as heroes and saviours. Women (under the circumstances I use the word women very loosely) danced and sang in excited joy.

The young family are only three among thousands of their kind, butchered with sickening, animalistic savagery, in an…

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Media BiASSed: She Lost, Get Over It!!

1. Flashback: Recalling the Media’s Botched 2016 Campaign Coverage


Exactly one year ago today, Americans elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. But in the days leading up to the election, the establishment news media made it seem as if a Trump victory was unthinkable, as they touted their own polls and predictions as if they were facts. As reporters now thump their chests and label themselves as “facts first,” they should look back with some humility at their performance in last year’s campaign.

2. Fear, Tears and Comfort Food: How The Media Dealt with Election Night ‘16


Esquire magazine revisited Election Night 2016 by talking to journalists, pundits, campaign staffers and entertainers, getting their recollections of how they remembered the night or in the case of most of the journalists dealt with the pain. It’s an entertaining and illuminating read about how most of the leftist media misread the election and how devastated they were by the results.

3. Furious CBS Hosts Badger ‘Bitter,’ ‘Angry’ Brazile for Exposing Hillary Clinton


A furious round of liberal-on-liberal violence broke out on Tuesday’s CBS This Morning. The show’s hosts confronted former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile for daring to expose Hillary Clinton’s efforts to hobble any contenders in the 2016 primaries. The normally friendly (to liberals) Gayle King dismissed Brazile as “bitter” and “angry.” Co-host Norah O’Donnell questioned Brazile’s truthfulness.

4. Maddow, O’Donnell Lose It Over VA Results: ‘Tonight’s History Is Being Written by Movie Writers’


After being relatively well-behaved, MSNBC eventually burst out gloating over the Democratic Party’s tidal wave victories in Virginia as pundits Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell celebrated and particularly over the “stunning” victory of transgender House of Delegates candidate Danica Roem that they deemed a night in which “history is being written by movie writers.”

5. ABC and NYT Reporters Push Misinformation About Texas Shooting


Since Sunday’s deadly mass shooting in Texas, the liberal media have been desperate to get the ball rolling on ineffective gun control measures. They’ve become so frantic that they have taken to lying about the current federal gun laws on the books and what actually happened during the shooting. On Tuesday, ABC wanted “extreme vetting” for prospective gun buyers and New York Times reporter Yamiche Alcindor asserted that the shooter was not stopped by an armed citizen.

6. Lemon Argues Prayer Didn’t Stop Sutherland Springs, Hints Irrelevant Gun Control Would Have


CNN Tonight host Don Lemon went on a nearly-four-minute-long commentary on Monday emphasizing that he’s not “not anti-thoughts and prayers,” but demanded Congress defeat the NRA and pass gun control measures that wouldn’t have stopped Sunday’s Sutherland Springs church shooting.

7. MSNBC Panel Disturbed by Trump’s ‘Graphic’ Depiction of North Korea


In a well-received speech before South Korean lawmakers on Tuesday, President Trump tried to rally the region and the world against the rogue North Korean regime. The President glorified South Korea for its booming economy and democratic government. He also drew attention to North Korea’s decades of human rights abuses, the hellish living conditions of its people, and the desperate things they would do to escape, including selling themselves into slavery. That’s the truth about life in North Korea, but for MSNBC’s Brian Williams and members of his panel on The 11th Hour, it was just too much.

8. Study: CNN’s Failure to Cover Democrat’s Corruption Trial


After 62 days of testimony, closing arguments and now jury deliberations, CNN has only managed to devoted a paltry 36 minutes out of their 24/7 news broadcast to the corruption trial of sitting Democratic Senator Bob Menendez. But even CNN’s lack of coverage isn’t as bad as the broadcast networks. The evening shows of ABC, CBS and NBC have yet to cover the trial at all.

Law-Abiding Texans, Gun Ownership, and Saving Lives

International Liberty

It’s impossible to imagine the evil and/or the sickness that would lead a person to massacre strangers in a church.

But it’s very easy to predict the political aftermath of such a tragedy. Folks on the left (some well-meaning, some not) immediately urge more gun control.

I have constitutional objections to their approach, but I realize that line of reasoning doesn’t matter to the anti-Second Amendment crowd, so I generally focus the conversation on the practical shortcomings of such initiatives.

  • Why, for instance, will it make a difference to ban scary-looking rifles when other weapons have the exact same functionality?
  • Or if they want a total ban, I ask them if they havea feasible plan to confiscate the hundreds of millions of guns in the country?
  • Do they actually think signs declaring so-called gun-free zones will discourage or deter murderers from butchering innocent people?
  • Is it…

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I’m Not Ready!

I’m Not Ready!

November 8

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'” (2 Cor 12:9).

If there is one thing that is consistent throughout scripture, it is this: God calls people when they are not ready. God will never call you into service when you think you are ready. This is intentional on God’s part.

And, you can be sure when God calls you, you will have similar responses as Saul did when he was called to be the first king, or Gideon, when he was called to take down the idols in his nation, or Moses, when he was called to deliver his people from Egypt.

Saul answered, “But am I not a Benjamite, from the smallest tribe of Israel, and is not my clan the least of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin? Why do you say such a thing to me?” (1 Sam 9:21).

“But Lord,” Gideon asked, “how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family” (Judg 6:15).

But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (Ex 3:11).

When God calls, you will most likely be in the most unlikely circumstances to receive that call. You will be in the midst of a crisis, you will lack resources, you will not have the skills you think you need. This too is the way of God.

God does this because He wants you to know your call is only based on His ability, not yours. When you think it is based on you, this is a false humility. And, it is unbelief and disobedience on your part.

Has God called you to something you have failed to do because you felt you were not ready? Repent before the Lord and let God accomplish great things through you.

Pharisaism in overalls

November 8

Pharisaism in overalls
“… I thank you that I am not like other men …” (v.11)
The fruit of the Spirit is not something that is achieved or manufactured, but something that is experienced as we abide in Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to produce in us the lineaments of Christ’s character.
Many people have equated the sanctified life with keeping an ethical code, but the ethical code is not the source of sanctification but the result of it. If the path of ethical achievement is achieved by self-effort alone, then the person who achieves it comes to have pride in his achievement and falls prey to the sin of Pharisaism. Those who keep the ethical code by self-effort have a taut will and, though they might not realize it, they lapse into the sin of independence — depending on themselves and not on God. People who struggle to exude goodness have a metallic ring about them — they appear stern and rigid and have about them the atmosphere of a moral athlete. Those whose goodness is not imposed, but exposed from their deep relationship with the Lord, are sweetly human and exude the character of Christ.
A similar error is made by those who say they have been “doing good turns all their lives.” Someone has said that this type of attitude is “the sin of Pharisaism in overalls.” Self is very much at the center. It is tainted, not because the “good turns” are evil, but because they are prompted by the self-regarding principle — I am doing them in my own way for my ends. How deeply this disease of self-interest takes hold on us! It is in you and it is in me. Recognizing it, however, is the first step toward curing it.
O Father, I see that when I strut through life in an attitude of arrogance and pride, I soon stumble. But when I surrender, I succeed. Help me to keep this perspective — today and every day. Amen.
For Further Study
1. What is “the hope of glory”?
2. What was Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians?