Then Send..

The politicians and their minions to collect them.

Lets see how that works for them.

No cops. Most want nothing to do with going to a law abiding citizen and telling them to turn over their guns. You disagree? I train many cops in self care, first aid, EMR and EMT, and have asked many of them that question. Same answer 99% of the time. ‘We want nothing to do with it.’

So let us see those that are the loudest about gun bans and confiscation, be the first door knockers!!

Outlawing all weapons needs to become a rhetorical and conceptual possibility.

Source: It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them..

Mindless Lieberal Drones…

While Hitting Trump, Rather Smears Barry Goldwater as ‘George Wallace’

Disgraced ex-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather appeared on Wednesday’s Rachel Maddow Show to attack Donald Trump. In the process, the journalist smeared conservative icon Barry Goldwater. Asked about Trump’s policy of banning all Muslims from America, Rather excoriated, “[Trump’s] related to the candidacy of the late George Wallace. Barry Goldwater, if you will. Huey Long. He’s in that line.”

2. CBS Hypes Trump Poll Numbers, Skips Obama’s Poor Marks on ISIS, Terrorism, Growing Gun Rights Support

The December edition of the CBS News/New York Times poll came out on Thursday and, naturally, the results were covered on the CBS Evening News but, as per the liberal media’s usual pattern, it left out a slew of poll results in which voters gave President Obama poor marks on terrorism, the fight against ISIS, and how the country remains on the wrong track. Instead, CBS chose to devote all of its coverage (two and a half minutes) concerning its own poll to the results pertaining to the 2016 Republican field.

Networks Decline to Mention Party Label in Dem. Governor Banning Guns for Americans on Watchlists

On Thursday night, the major broadcast networks saw no point in informing their viewers of Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy’s party affiliation (Democrat) as ABC, CBS, and NBC all reported that Malloy had issued an executive order banning those on government watchlists from possessing guns in his state. Along with being arguably the strictest governor in the country when it comes to gun control, Malloy was also recently selected as the chair of the Democratic Governor’s Association (who’s term will run through the 2016 election).

CNN Touts Twitter ‘Thread Calling For…Impeachment’ of Scalia

On Thursday’s CNN Newsroom, Pamela Brown spotlighted how Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was "sparking controversy during a hearing of a high-profile affirmative action case." Brown noted that Scalia "seemed to suggest that some African-Americans might do better in lesser colleges," and pointed out how "some feel like he was using to it make his own argument. And Twitter ignited — no surprise there — one Tweet thread calling for his impeachment."

NBC, ABC Gush Over First Lady Rapping; Ignore Obama ISIS Strategy

While both NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America found the time on Thursday to devote minute-long segments to First Lady Michelle Obama rapping about kids going to college, neither morning show bothered to mention President Obama’s strategy or lack thereof to combat radical Islamic terrorism in the wake of the San Bernardino attacks.

George Stephanopoulos to Rubio: Listen to This Hillary Clip Slamming Republicans

Former Bill Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos on Thursday interviewed Marco Rubio and demanded the Republican listen to a clip of Hillary Clinton sneering that all the GOP contenders are as bad as Donald Trump. Following a comment by the senator on the importance of refocusing the debate on terrorism, the Good Morning America co-host pounced, “On that issue Secretary Clinton is making the argument the whole GOP field is cut from the same cloth. Watch this.”

Even Washington Post Admits No Proposed Gun Laws Would Have Stopped Mass Shootings

After Florida Senator Marco Rubio rejected demands from the hosts of CBS This Morning for gun control in a recent December 4 interview, Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler took it upon himself to examine the claim. Much to the chagrin of the rest of the liberal media, he found: “Rubio’s statement stands up to scrutiny – at least for the recent past, as he framed it….He earns a rare Geppetto Checkmark.”

Seth Meyers Compares Justice Scalia to KKK Members Following Affirmative Action Comments

Moments before bringing on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for two casual segments of softball questions, Late Night host Seth Meyers took a shot at Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in his monologue by comparing him to members of the KKK following Scalia’s comments on Wednesday about affirmative action.

That Sinking Feeling and It’s Not Climate Change

That Sinking Feeling and It’s Not Climate Change

“President Obama is in Paris urging the government leaders gathered at the COP21 conference to take action to stop climate change.

But a new ABC News/Washington Post poll suggests that back home in the US, Americans are becoming less concerned about the warming planet. [you think..] ” ~ WIRED

Source: That Sinking Feeling and It’s Not Climate Change

Skill Set: War…

Do you agree? When I obtained by Permit to Carry and renewed it, both Instructors were pretty adamant about carrying, all the time.

As they asked. Why obtain this if your not going to carry?

We are at war, against combatants on our own soil. They live and work among us, they don’t wear uniforms, and are willing to give their lives in order to kill and injure innocents. The attack can occur at any time, in any location, but especially in “gun-free” zones. Regardless of the reasoning behind their actions the “active-shooter” wants a target rich environment with the least amount of possible resistance.

The enemy is here, and we must prepare to defeat them. We will take the first step. Learn the fundamentals of self-defense. If you carry a firearm you must get training – an introduction to the skills necessary – and practice, learning these skills through repetition. There is no substitute for this. Remember there is no substitute for training and practice. This must be taken seriously. Start today. If you put it off you may be one day too late.

For those of you who have the ability to carry, do so. The time is past when you can pick and choose when to carry or not. You’re either all in or out. You strap your weapon on at the beginning of the day, every day. You carry all the time, even in your home, because personal protection is an individual responsibility.

Source: Skill Set: War | Shooting Wire

When Hope is Deferred

When Hope is Deferred

December 11

"So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Then Job took a piece of broken pottery and scraped himself with it as he sat among the ashes. His wife said to him, ‘Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!’" (Job 2:7-9).

I walked into the room and my friend burst out crying. "I’m so discouraged! I don’t know what else to do. Will I ever get better!?" After three years of fighting a medical condition the doctor just told her no progress had been made in the last six months of treatments. Alternative treatment was needed that might have more severe side effects.

Great men of God with healing ministries had prayed for her. A string of doctors had failed to yield any position results. When hope is deferred, the psalmist says, the heart becomes sick. During these seasons, we can only do one thing. We must hang onto whatever faith we have to get through each day and entrust our lives to Him. "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior" (Hab 3:17-18).

When faith doesn’t see results it challenges what we believe. We must pray as Job prayed: "Teach me what I cannot see" (Job 34:32). God says there is a purpose in everything we go through. Later that day another friend who once had the same issues, but was now better, had a word of encouragement. "God is going to reveal things to you through this season of adversity that you would never receive had you not gone through this. This is part of your calling even though Satan is the instrument. God is always bigger than Satan’s afflictions."

Our greatest tests come when we cannot see positive results from our faith and obedience. In such cases we must die to our expectations and entrust them to our Lord.

Always More to Follow

Always More to Follow
James 4
"’God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’" (v. 6) Why have some Christians received more grace? If, as we said, grace is undeserved favor, does that mean God has favorites? Is there something capricious about the Almighty’s allocation of help to His children? Some secular writers have portrayed God as being like men and women, biased in His affections and having an inexplicable preference for one person and disinterest in another. But surely God does not take "a fancy" to some people and not others. There is favor to be found in God, but no favoritism. His favor moves to all who are willing and eager to receive it. But to return to our question: Why do some receive more grace than others? I think the main reason must be this — they know that there is grace to be had. Sometimes I come across Christians who think that God’s only concern is to get us on to the pilgrim way and that He then leaves us to our own devices.

You can tell such people by the way they talk about their conversion — and nothing more. They seem unconcerned about the fact that God’s great aim is not simply to bring us into the Christian life but to develop us in it. He is not content with calling us "saints" but making us saints; not simply cancelling sin but breaking its power over us. Those who use God’s grace are those who know He has plenty to give. Of this they are confident, and thus they keep it in mind all the time. When they have used what they have, they know there is always more to follow.

O Father, what a comfort it is to know that however much I draw on Your grace there is always more to follow. I cannot draw heavily on many things but I can draw heavily on You. May this be more than an idea; may it be a fact. In Christ’s Name. Amen.

For Further Study
Romans 5:1-15; Titus 2:11; 1 Timothy 1:14
1. To whom did grace overflow?
2. What was Paul’s testimony to Timothy?

Millennials Want To Send Troops To Fight ISIS, But Don’t Want To Serve…

Thanks to our wonderful PC education system and parents whom don’t have ‘time’ to be overly involved… …Raising spineless twits..

A comprehensive new poll from the Harvard Institute of Politics dives into the politics of the nation’s 18- to 29-year-olds. The poll also looked at support for Bernie Sanders and immigration.

Source: Millennials Want To Send Troops To Fight ISIS, But Don’t Want To Serve…