Now how will Obama deal with there people? Under the bus I am sure..


ICE and Border Patrol agents held a press conference this week to blow the whistle on the Obama Administration. The officers gave detailed accounts of how Obama’s DREAM Act is the equivalent of a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card which is keeping violent criminals on our streets.

NO GET OF JAIL FREE CARDS FOR CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS – Tell Congress To Make Obama Deport ALL criminal illegals Immediately. Do Not Let Illegal Criminals Back On the Streets In Your Neighborhood. Hold the Obama Administration Legally Responsible for the 19 Deaths and the 142 Sex Crimes committed. Enforce Immigration Law – STOP ILLEGAL ALIENS at the border.

Union leaders Chris Crane, President of the National ICE Council and George McCubbin, President of the National Border Patrol Council were joined by Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions at the press conference held to expose Obama and Napolitano’s lie that our borders and the DREAM Act are safe.

Crane gave a compelling account of how Obama’s new Amnesty rules are keeping violent criminals on our streets. Recently in El Paso an illegal alien who was arrested for assault with bodily injury and assault of a Federal agent. However, due to Obama’s new DREAM rules, that illegal alien had to be released…and a violent criminal remains on the streets of Texas.

Tell Congress To Make Obama Deport ALL criminal illegals Immediately. Do Not Let Illegal Criminals Back On the Streets In Your Neighborhood. Hold the Obama Administration Legally Responsible for the 19 Deaths and the 142 Sex Crimes committed. Enforce Immigration Law – STOP ILLEGAL ALIENS at the border.

"Prosecutorial discretion for DREAMers is solely based on the individual’s claims. Our orders are if an alien says they went to high school, then let them go; if they say they have a GED, then let them go. Officers have been told that there is no burden for the alien to prove anything. Even with the greatly relaxed new policies the alien is not even required to prove that they meet any of the new criteria. At this point we don’t even know why DHS has criteria at all, as there is no requirement or burden to prove anything on the part of the alien. We believe that significant numbers of people who are not DREAMers are taking advantage of this practice to avoid arrest." said Crane.

George McCubbin, the president of the AFL-CIO-backed National Border Patrol Council, said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s claim that the border is more secure than ever are downright untrue.

Agents have tried to plead their case with the Administration, but attempts have fallen on deaf ears. "We’ve spent the last three-and-a-half years trying to work with this administration from Director Morton to Secretary Napolitano, who won’t meet with us," Crane said. "We’ve actually been to the White House and tried to talk to those folks — and, basically, they don’t want to hear our concerns. They don’t want to work with us at all."

Tell Congress To Make Obama Deport ALL criminal illegals Immediately. Do Not Let Illegal Criminals Back On the Streets In Your Neighborhood. Hold the Obama Administration Legally Responsible for the 19 Deaths and the 142 Sex Crimes committed. Enforce Immigration Law – STOP ILLEGAL ALIENS at the border.

The fact is, illegal aliens are committing violent crimes in our country every day. The statistics are astounding. Yet the Obama Administration does not seem to care.

"The lawlessness must end," Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions.

We agree. Congress must now step in and due its duty – protect our borders and protect American citizens!

Tell Congress To Make Obama Deport ALL criminal illegals Immediately. Do Not Let Illegal Criminals Back On the Streets In Your Neighborhood. Hold the Obama Administration Legally Responsible for the 19 Deaths and the 142 Sex Crimes committed. Enforce Immigration Law – STOP ILLEGAL ALIENS at the border.

Obama Administration Releases 36,000 Criminal Illegals That Commit 19 Murders and 142 Sex Crimes

A House Judiciary Committee report released Tuesday details the murder of 19 Americans and 142 sex crimes committed by illegal aliens. But the most shocking statistic of the report is that all these crimes could have been prevented.


The bombshell that all of these crimes were committed by illegal aliens who had previously been arrested for major criminal offenses is outrageous! These were illegals that were already flagged as dangerous criminals, but thanks to Obama and his win votes at all costs political campaign, innocent Americans have died! And the blame is squarely on Barrack Obama, the champion of "immigration reform."

Tell Congress To Make Obama Deport ALL criminal illegals Immediately. Do Not Let Illegal Criminals Back On the Streets In Your Neighborhood. Hold the Obama Administration Legally Responsible for the 19 Deaths and the 142 Sex Crimes committed. Enforce Immigration Law – STOP ILLEGAL ALIENS at the border.

The report sheds light on what has really been happening behind the scenes that the Obama administration hasn’t been telling us about. The fact is that there were at least 160,000 illegal and criminal aliens that were arrested during a three year period that Obama was in office. 7,000 of them were illegal aliens that were re-arrested and went on to commit 19 murders and 142 sex crimes.

1 of Every 6 Illegal Aliens Arrested Will Be Rearrested Within 3 Years!

The Solution:

Deport All Criminal Illegals and Secure the Border to Keep Illegals Out!

All the while Obama is parading himself around the White House giving speeches about how his administration has been doing nothing but cracking down on the dangerous, criminal illegal aliens. He flat out with his executive order pardoned (likely many of these same illegal aliens) if they "weren’t assessed as a threat." The federal government will not even attempt to deport people without a record, but apparently they aren’t deporting those WITH a record either! These criminals were all convicted of crimes BEFORE they committed these murders and rapes and kidnappings! Yet they weren’t deported.

Tell Congress To Make Obama Deport ALL criminal illegals Immediately. Do Not Let Illegal Criminals Back On the Streets In Your Neighborhood. Hold the Obama Administration Legally Responsible for the 19 Deaths and the 142 Sex Crimes committed. Enforce Immigration Law – STOP ILLEGAL ALIENS at the border.

Obama claims that the government is responsible for everything good. He tells business owners that "they didn’t build that" He claims the government built and created everything! Obama is the first to step up and claim his government is responsible for building every business in America but he mistakenly takes credit.

However, when he is DIRECTLY responsible for the deaths of 19 Americans because of his executive policy decisions it’s miraculously NOT his responsibility. How is it possible that the government is responsible for everything good but does absolutely nothing wrong? Obama needs to give credit where credit is due and take responsibility for his mistakes and accept the consequences of killing innocent Americans and not blame someone else for the foreseeable results of his bad policy.

Our government agencies have been attempting to follow Obama’s arrogant and politically motivated Immigration policy change. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has decided that they are going to make it look like they are doing their job by setting what looks like lofty arrest and deportation goals for illegals. ICE set a goal to deport 400,000 criminal illegal aliens. The real problem is that to reach this goal the agency is being pressured so much that the agents are just trying to fill the numbers instead of actually keep the United States citizens safe.

You see, it is much easier and faster to finish up the paper work to deport illegals that that have committed simple violations such as reentering the country after being deported. It takes much more time to get a murderer or rapist deported. So, in order to meet their goal, agents have been deliberately avoiding the "hard" cases and have been focusing on enforcing the "easy" ones.

This is Obama’s idea of immigration reform; cook the numbers by allowing the hardened murderers and rapists go free! The Obama administration is directly responsible for crimes against American citizens! They must be held accountable!

This cannot continue! Now that the House Republicans have uncovered the truth we need to make it stick! Urge your representatives to turn up the pressure on Obama and his cronies! Let there be a public outcry to see all of these dangerous illegal aliens deported, once and for all!

Support the Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) HALT Act. This piece of legislation will stop the Department of Homeland Security from moving forward with this policy. The HALT Act (H.R.2497) would prevent the Obama Administration from:

  • Granting parole for illegals who commit crimes
  • Issuing work authorizations
  • Extending voluntary departures
  • Giving illegals TPS (temporary protection status)
  • Executing deferred actions (authorizing illegals to work in the U.S).
  • Authorizing cancellation of the removal of illegal aliens

Basically, the HALT Act could put an end of to all of Obama’s schemes to make illegal aliens U.S. citizens – for good. It’s about time we sent Obama a strong message that we aren’t going to put up with his tricks anymore. That’s why I need you to bury Congress with faxes and tell them to stop Obama’s amnesty scheme and support the HALT Act.

1. Select Below To Tell the Senate to SAVE AMERICAN LIVES. Make Obama Deport ALL CRIMINAL ILLEGALS Immediately and Support The HALT Act – Now!

Tell Congress To Make Obama Deport ALL criminal illegals Immediately. Do Not Let Illegal Criminals Back On the Streets In Your Neighborhood. Hold the Obama Administration Legally Responsible for the 19 Deaths and the 142 Sex Crimes committed. Enforce Immigration Law – STOP ILLEGAL ALIENS at the border.

2. Send this Alert to EVERYONE you know and every like-minded friend on your personal email list who wants to SAVE AMERICAN LIVES! We need to get HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of faxes delivered to EACH AND EVERY Senator and House Member to SAVE AMERICAN LIVES and deport ALL CRIMINAL ILLEGALS Immediately

3. Keep calling your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE! Demand Congress do the right thing for once – and SAVE AMERICAN LIVES!

4. CALL President Obama, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE Outrage at the loss of American lives.

5. Print this copy and pass it around where normal working class Americans gather who care about the future of our country. SAVE AMERICAN LIVES Now, we have to make sure no more Americans are killed by illegals.

Be sure to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TODAY! Thank you!

Defend America,
Alan M. Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC


  1. Dave Francis (@lostintaxes) August 5, 2012 / 9:20 pm

    Citizens of the Republic, never Give Up. Never submit.

    It is time to join the resistance—THE TEA PARTY. Obama is building his empire on the tireless backs of the American people! Obama, “America’s President” will stop at nothing to execute his plan of creating a socialist nation, grabbing your guns, your money and your freedoms! Families are suffocating under the weight of the failed policies of the Obama government. Unemployment is sky-high—over 8% for 40 straight months. Jobs are disappearing. People have given up looking for employment. Yet, with all this bad news “America’s President” demands even more taxes, while given free passes to illegal aliens. To worsen an unfavorable state of affairs Obama’s Liberal Progressives want to grab your guns again, too! This adds up to one thing: ATTACKING YOUR LIBERTIES! Obama will stop at nothing to carry out his sinister agenda. See for yourself: Obama regime seems to demanding our guns that we need for our protection, also our wallets and liberties.

    Obama is becoming as any potentate, found in Middle Eastern countries or in South America. He seems to be under the impression that American people will quietly surrender this administration intrusion, sit by silently and watch fellow citizens as Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpiao verbally assassinated because he enforced the Arizona state law, in name of the greater good for the greatest number. If from the beginning of the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli immigration bill, the laws towards dishonest business owners, a true enforced fence, and the private prison facilities would unlikely exist as they do now. BUT WE HAVE BEEN SILENTLY INVADED, BY CRIMINALS OF EVERY NATURE AND WE MUST REMOVE THEM ALL? BREAKING IMMIGRATION LAWS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AWARD; PARENTS WHO BROUGHT THEIR CHILDREN HERE CAN STILL BE ARRESTED AND DEPORTED?

    IN OBAMA’S DREAM ACT—there will be so much fraud, just as it existed in the great Ronald Reagan amnesty of 1986. You mark my words processing will be next to nothing and my guess hundreds will counterfeit documents leading to more illegal aliens encouraged to slip through a border that is open for hundreds of miles in either direction.

    America’s oh-so-inept Commander in Chief will use any method to augment the tax load on the American people. His goal: the redistribution of prosperity. By not approving the Bush Tax Cuts, taxes increase. Once again, this is nothing more than a “Tax and Spend” Scheme. His redistribution of wealth will go to the voters who have no intentions of finding a job and never will. These are the rapists of the welfare systems, who prefer to stay a government umbrella of sponsored housing, living of taxpayers. Steve Eichler, CEO of TeaParty dot org, a massive growing network of millions of ordinarily citizens and legal residents who have come together to battle both the Democrats and Republicans and opening up chapters across America; as if a third party. The political masters have a fix so it is almost impossible for a third party to be elected; henceforth the TEA PARTY. The TEA PARTY will gain ground within the Republican Party and thereby presenting their influence through oncoming elections.

    We have seen downplay of both political parties, the media of the unseating of Indiana Senator Richard Lugar to by a Tea Party leader Senate nominee Richard Mourdock, then just this week And now TEA PARTY favorite Ted Cruz (R) took out Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, for the outgoing seat of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Yet another Republican has bitten the dust, replaced a true TEA PARTY supporter. Both hard core Democrats and the Republicans should be very uneasy, very apprehensive indeed about incumbent politicians who despairingly are lost for words TEA PARTY growth? The TEA PARTY, which backs Ted Cruz, stated that the race is a premonition for the country. Seems to me that ordinary Americans have seen an alternative to both political parties in the TEA PARTY ranks?

    In another congressional primary, Republican U.S. Rep. Tom Petri, who has served in Congress for more than 30 years, faces TEA PARTY challenger Lauren Stephens, who has raised only $6,000 and is running a low-profile campaign. Ted Cruz didn’t have a huge campaign chest of money, but he still beat Dewhurst who provided millions of dollars of our own money. This would be a good time for every TEA PARTY members to stand with Stephens and other TEA PARTY leaders to stand firm against Petri. On her webpage, she proposes eliminating the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) because of ineptitude and costs, enforcing policies against illegal immigration and making the nation’s official language English. She has stated “Having an official language is makes common sense and builds common ground.”

    In Wisconsin next week Businessman Eric Hovde, is running his first race, charging that former Gov. Tommy Thompson isn’t a true conservative. Former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann, a home builder and former congressman casts himself as the most conservative candidate, and is looking for support from the TEA PARTY. Then State Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald has slipped in raising money, but hopes voters remember his role in passing the conservative ideology in the Legislature.

    The most dangerous personage in the Democratic Senate is the toxic tongue of Harry Reid of Nevada. Then you have to remember that Nevada has been flooded with illegal aliens and so this ancient Democrat is pandering with utmost zeal to all none citizens. He has derailed cloture in numerous laws, such as the enforcement immigration policies. We need to crowd as many new TEA PARTY members inside the Senate, to stifle the Liberal-Democrats and extract them from their seats of power.

    LOOK AROUND YOU AND SEE WHAT EITHER THE DEMOCRATS OR REPUBLICANS HAVE DONE FOR THIS COUNTRY? Instead of voting for the same old incumbents or even new faces that are representing either party, investigate who is your local, state or federal TEA PARTY candidate?

    If I told you 5 years ago that America would elect a man who did the following, you would have called me extreme. Read the short list and then tell me I’m nuts: Kowtows to foreign dictators; Promises Russia (not America) he can do more when he is elected; Pushing the United Nations to grab our guns; Creating the biggest “Tax And Spend Plan” (ObamaCare) in America history for freeloaders; Highest unemployment since the October 1929 Wall Street crash; Denies self-esteem to small business owners, claiming they didn’t build their own business?

    It is becoming excruciatingly clear the Tea Party must take the lead! Obama, “America’s President” is the product of a secret system of sedition and trickery. A complete underworld of dangerous swindles, unscrupulous scams and deadly con-artists that have been involved are now being exposed… and the picture is pure, raw evil, with the realization America has been duped—such as giving “Solyndra” special treatment as they contributed to Obama’s campaign. Given Obama’s past record, is it any wonder he wants to grab your guns, reach into your wallet and grab your cash for his tax coffers and then extinguish your freedom? The problem is, it is within his reach and most of the Washington Socialist Czars have applauded his actions! Are they blind or stupid—or both? If the unthinkable happens “America’s President” I will do the following the next 4 years.

    Our guns confiscated once and for all, U.S. dollar replaced with global government currency similar to the failing EURO in European Union. All domestic oil drilling stopped, giving places as Brazil and other countries a right to sell us oil. Then currently a burst of regulations from Environmental Protection Agency has closed down coal mines, even though these entities have spent millions to deliver clean coal. American industry is inundated with rules and regulation forcing oil, natural gas, coal to genuflect the crazies in the environmental entities that have brought our energy supplies to almost a halt. Obama’s focus seems directed at the U.S. border, so it ceases to exist when closing down important ports of entry. IF, if Obama gets reelected, we can be assured another 100 percent amnesty for all illegals, which could cost us at least 2 trillion dollars to process—that’s according to a projection of Heritage foundation? Homeownership swapped for government housing. A bloated Public school system, with social services replacing parents; Tea Party—and anyone who opposes the “new rule”—black listed and intimidated as seen not only in Arizona but silently encroaching to other 50 states. It is time to expose “America’s President.” But, you CAN stand in the way of his power grab for America.

    I have no devotion to Mitt Romney’s administration, and the serious danger of re-electing President Obama is very tangible. He will want to keep paying out taxpayer’s money to Americans who have no interest in seeking a job or in fact never bothered to work in their lives; the exclusion being attributed to the sick and handicapped. The only real alternative is the TEA PARTY, which is gathering massive amounts of voters as a storm of confidence in a PEOPLES WASHINGTON, instead of the old guard of Republicans and their opposites. Any individual can join the TEA PARTY, as long as they are here in the United States legally. The TEA PARTY is a ‘political Statement’ about a federal government that has run amok of the U.S. Constitution, which has nearly bankrupted this country.

    A major problem that neither party wants to talk about, is our nation infested with common criminals from across our borders or flying in and posing as visitor, with no intent to leave. Every day the amount of illegal alien drunken drivers keeps rising, mowing down innocent family members. But it’s not crime rate just rising in the Southwest, but the spreading of these people bringing with them their odious records from across the globe. Under each of the main parties nothing will be done, as they are under the strict influence of the corporate purveyors of cash or the insane zealots who wants open borders and the broad spread of poor foreigners who want a better life, which our spineless politicians think we are beholden too.

    The TEA PARTY would insist on two immigration policies being approved though the Senate and House of Representatives. But more TEA PARTY leadership must gain more seats in Congress, which seems to be actually happening? Plenty of these moderate conservatives and true believers in our U.S. Constitution are ready to influence the other lawmaker’s to enact policies that assist out of work Americans. It will open up jobs for millions of low income Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, Asians and all other nationalities lawfully here. It is passed time we enacted the ‘Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 2885) and the Birthright citizenship Act (H.R.140)? Isn’t it time that the state of Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and other in the 50 states protect their state borders? Each law essential to structure our immigration policies, once again gain a steel gauntlet on our immigration policies. The Birthright Citizenship law has been mutated, as it didn’t mean that anybody who reached into America could gain citizenship, as it only was only an avenue for the emancipation of slaves after the Civil War.

    Retain this information that none citizens will be voting in November, if Obama’s Liberals get there way the ‘freeloaders will reward him with their votes. One should also determine for themselves if Obama has a right to a second term. I cannot judge for anybody but myself and I have afforded the time as an Independent and a TEA PARTY associate to read the evidence concerning the birth records of Barack Obama. There are many irregularities to his family backdrop, that has some disquieting concerns for me, but THE PEOPLE should interpret about the facts of the investigation and then vote for that reason.

    No Copyright. Tell everybody.

  2. joan August 6, 2012 / 1:24 pm

    I agree to disagree, I do think we should do something more about the illigels out there killing and getting away with the same laws we as Americans get punished for, I also think the illegals that have been here and working and have kids& families they are supporting and not getting into trouble shouldn’t be taken from there families and children for others doing, what people don’t realize is when one does wrong they all are judged for it. That’s not how it should be. There are good out there but all the bad ones are making it look bad for the rest.

    • joan August 6, 2012 / 1:28 pm

      I agree to disagree, I do think we should do something more about the illigels out there killing and getting away with the same laws we as Americans get punished for, I also think the illegals that have been here and working and have kids& families they are supporting and not getting into trouble shouldn’t be taken from there families and children for others doing, what people don’t realize is when one does wrong they all are judged for it. That’s not how it should be. There are good out there but all the bad ones are making it look bad for the rest.

    • Sophianova August 6, 2012 / 5:31 pm

      Every illegal alien who is employed in the United States has committed one or more of the following crimes: ID Theft, Document Fraud, Social Security Fraud, Employment (I-9 Form) Fraud, Federal Income Tax Evasion, and Conspiracy to Violate Immigration Laws.

      • Anna August 7, 2012 / 12:09 am

        But what about the places that employ them? Aren’t they breaking the law as well?

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