Morning Miscellany ………………………..

Maxine Walters – DemocRAT- Kalifornistan..

Wants the Sharia Law and your a bigot if you don’t!
Maybe she likes that kind of abuse the Muslim women receive!

Excites her?


And so it goes..

Obama continues to crap on the Troops..

What happens if they finally wake up an defend the Constitution?


 Excuses from the Excuser in Chief..

1) Republicans ahead of him on the golf course wouldn’t let him play through; so he missed calls telling him ISIS was overrunning Iraq.


 Bloomberg tells women to buy a gun…

Bet he did not see that coming!!


Operation Chokelist..

Holder’s way of screwing over small business..

Apparently Firearm retailers are ‘off’, said list now..


United ‘for terrorism’ Nations..

Reportedly ‘helping’ Hamas..


 Ouch…..Just ouch…


Ewwww…Biden does what???


They keep rollin’ the DemocRATS do..

Wanting our guns..

Keep it up assholes..

November is a’comin’!!


A guide to DemocRATs…

Why they won’t protect Freedom..


You wonder how stupid people in Los Angeles can be?

Proof here..What happened when Facebook went down and who did they call!!

Not only is praying in public good for you..

Is beneficial financially also!!

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