Gun Control’s Dark Money…

For Immediate Release

April 7, 2018

Contact: Becky Alery


Gun Control’s Dark Money


Eagan, MN – Jason Lewis for Congress Campaign Manager Becky Alery released the following statement:

“Weeks after Rep. Linda Slocum introduced the most far reaching restriction on firearms in Minnesota history (including a ban on all private transfers including family heirlooms as well as registration of all firearms) and just days after Justice John Paul Stevens called for repealing the 2nd Amendment entirely, anti-2nd Amendment national organizers are now marshaling their vast, but undisclosed, resources in the form of organizing rallies and political lobbying.


“But it is more than a bit ironic that a so-called grassroots movement revolving around the influence of money in politics is being led and organized by groups who are loathe to disclose the source of their organizing funds. It’s become so absurd that an anonymous group called Listen to the Children that recently ran an ad in the Star Tribune attacking politicians with whom they disagree refused to disclose its funding sources. The newspaper, which advocates for stricter campaign finance laws, also refused to identify those who paid for the ad.


“This is breathtaking hypocrisy.


“On the other hand, Representative Jason Lewis believes in financial disclosure and a quick glance at public records show he is far down the list amongst the Minnesota delegation, receiving just a few thousand dollars in campaign donations from groups like the NRA. But Lewis does not answer anonymous polls and believes it is long past due for these groups to disclose who is funding their operations. Is it radical gun control advocate and billionaire George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet?


“Simple as that, who paid for the full-page ad and who’s funding the rallies?


“As a rule, Rep. Lewis is concerned about passing new laws on any subject if the ones we have aren’t being enforced and he is more than happy to answer any questions as long as he knows who’s asking them. But Lewis disclosed his donors and has been very clear in his opposition to Justice Stevens’ support for repealing the second amendment. He also believes its high time his political opponents do the same.”

2 thoughts on “Gun Control’s Dark Money…

  1. Brittius April 9, 2018 / 2:11 am

    Here’s where Becky’s name and number ends up on the walls of every mens room in every barroom across the nation. “FOR A GOOD TIME”.

    • MaddMedic April 9, 2018 / 5:55 am

      I like that!!

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