One thought on “Journalism…Nope…

  1. Glenda T. Goode September 10, 2018 / 7:15 pm

    News reporters do not automatically have an educational path to their jobs. Some study Journalism and some come from Communications degrees. These folks you usually find in print media.

    TV news people or as the English accurately describe them “News readers” may have an academic background but their skill set is sounding sincere when they repeat the words put in front of them. It helps if they are somewhat attractive and it is patently obvious that the more ‘photogenic’ they are the higher in the food chain of news they get. If you need proof, compare the local news readers with those in major markets and then with network news services. If you are lucky you will see a rising star move up the ladder in a few years.

    None of the above guarantees anything intelligence wise beyond being able to read. Another attribute less recognized is the ability to ‘sell’ a story. Reporting news and being ‘dramatic’ with a story such as the one you reference just makes the reporter seem more direct and to the point. Never mind that 200 round magazines for pistols is not just wrong, it is ludicrous!! The facts are not as important as breathlessly reporting how dangerous and potentially lethal a gun is. Imagine how much more dangerous it sounds if you repeat something that exaggerates the reality to moronic levels.

    You have to remember most liberals are afraid of guns. They are trained from infancy to avoid them like fire or the plague. This knee jerk reaction carries on into adulthood and if the person never actually is taught to properly handle a gun they remain terrified of all firearms and consider them as volatile as Nitroglycerin.

    I was not all that fond of firearms when I was a young adult just out of high school and then a friend took me to the range and I found that I enjoyed it very much. Time marches on and I have owned and handled all manner of firearms. Some I liked more than others. That is normal.

    I have to tell you and anyone who will listen.
    I am not afraid of Guns.
    I am afraid of people.
    This is where the responsibility lies when a gun is used to harm another.

    Not the gun.

    It takes a person bent on hurting people to use a gun. They do not obey laws nor do they care how they get a weapon. They are deranged and that is all there is to it..

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