4 thoughts on “Palestinians can pound sand ..

  1. sonofnunn24 May 5, 2024 / 9:34 am

    into sand

  2. Glenda T. Goode May 5, 2024 / 9:56 am

    Historically Palestine did not exist until the state of Israel was established. From what I have read the people we now see calling themselves ‘Palestinians’ were nomads who traversed the region including areas outside of present day Israel but these people had never laid claim to any physical place. They were the equivalent of roaming herds. Only as Israel has risen in stature and wealth has this movement called ‘Palestine’ laid any claim to anything in the area.

    During 1968 the protests were anti war and pro peace. I refuse to compare the chants for death to Israel to the 1968 riots and protests. They are nothing alike as far as intent or purpose. One was to end a war in Vietnam and the other is to spread violence and murder across a region to millions of Jews. No comparison.

    Another difference is that the protests in the 60’s were ground swell types instigated and organized and sponsored by academics and students to demonstrate their opposition to the war. 

    The current college protests are sponsored by George Soros in his quest to disrupt societies all over the world in his conquest of a new world order run by him and people like him. He is manipulating various groups to achieve his goals.

    To be quite honest we need to assess the credibility of a religion whose members seem to shrink away from condemning and acting to suppress their fellow adherents who in their religions name go out and wantonly murder and rape and torture non-believers.

    Most religions, including Christianity, go through phases of violence as they mature in their doctrines and how they interpret them. I can say that in the case of Christianity there were always those who fought against those who used such means of violent persuasion. If they did not do this why is it that in general, Christianity is one of the most peaceful beliefs today? 

    You cannot say the same about islam.

    Let’s face it, islam has perpetually been in a phase of conform or die against the rest of the world. If they were discriminated against you might see some rationale in this type of action. The fact is that islam has a huge portion of the world’s wealth and power. The only places where they face any resistance is where they are in other societies practicing violence and discrimination themselves. 

    I would challenge those sitting in their palaces in Saudi Arabia and the other emirates in the region to stand up and deal with their violent brethren. Otherwise it will fall upon the remainder of the world who wish to live in peace to deal with them as it is required and this will not be pretty. 

    You cannot expect those who are their victims to continue supporting these kingdoms of wealth and power if they do not act to protect the rest of the world.

    I would close by agreeing with the referenced article. The murderous muslims all over the world can pound sand as far as I am concerned.

    • sonofnunn24 May 5, 2024 / 1:27 pm

      all part of the satan plan….boxcars, they want Christians too this time

  3. veeshir May 5, 2024 / 2:11 pm

    What we think is meaningless, Biden’s Brain trust wants chaos so we’re getting Palestinian ‘refugees’ whether we want them or not.

    Politicians, especially Dem pols, are not responsive to the electorate.

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