Semi-Auto Rifles: Common for 100 Years yet Mass Shooters are NOT

Opponents of an armed population often claim that semi-automatic rifles are a new phenomena in the United States. That is false. One of the first successful semi-automatic or self loading rifles was the Remington Model 8. It was patented in 1900 by John Moses Browning. Commercial production started in 1906. It was a successful design, used in the hunting fields, in law enforcement, and had limited usage in the U.S. military. The model 8 was modified a bit in 1936 and become the model 81, which was produced until 1950.

via Semi-Auto Rifles: Common for 100 Years yet Mass Shooters are NOT – Bullets First | Bullets First

Media BiASSed: New York Slimes….

1. ABC, CBS Downplay Harassment Accusations Against Dem Rep Conyers


Democratic Michigan Representative John Conyers Jr. found himself in the spotlight on Tuesday after BuzzFeed reported that the Congressman paid $27,000 in a settlement allegedly linked to sexual harassment. “[Conyers] settled a wrongful dismissal complaint in 2015 with a former employee who alleged she was fired because she would not ‘succumb to [his] sexual advances,’” BuzzFeed wrote. But that wasn’t enough for ABC and CBS who downplayed the accusations throughout the day.

2. ‘Hardball’ Frets GOP ‘Will…Milk the Al Franken Thing’; Touts Dems as Responsible Purgers of Deviants


New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg continued on Tuesday’s Hardball to dig herself a hole when it comes to being inconsistent on sexual misconduct claims, bewailing to host Chris Matthews that “Republicans will certainly milk the Al Franken thing” while touting leftists as true moral arbiters purging alleged miscreants from their ranks.

3. View’s Behar Hypocritically Scolds Conway on Moore, After She Defended Clinton on Rape


In light of all the accusations of sexual misconduct, harassment and assault coming out now against liberals and Democrats, some on the left are hunkering down and sticking to their partisan politics moreso than ever. Longtime host of The View Joy Behar has been increasingly uncomfortable in the past few weeks, as the ABC panel has brought up the allegations against Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, Louis C.K. and now Charlie Rose.

4. Flashback: Charlie Rose Lectured on Importance of ‘Respect for Women’


CBS on Tuesday fired Charlie Rose in the wake of revelations that he sexually harassed multiple women for decades. In retrospect, his repeated claims of “respecting” and “appreciating” strong women ring particularly hollow. On September 10, 2017, the journalist grilled former ex-Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon about the infamous Billy Bush tape.

5. Nets Fear Political Conspiracy in DOJ Blocking Media Merger


On Tuesday, all three network morning shows fretted over the Justice Department filing a lawsuit to block a planned merger between telecommunications giants AT&T and Time Warner Cable. Hosts and correspondents warned of “politics” being “at play” in the decision and touted how critics were “raising concerns about the motive behind the government’s legal challenge.”

6. CNN Proudly Touts Late Night TV’s ‘Resistance’ to Trump, ‘Most Mocked Man in America’


CNN is still proudly touting the media’s “resistance” against President Trump, despite it being over a year since he was elected into office.

7. New York Times Slimes: Charles Manson ‘Was a Harbinger of Today’s Far Right’


Never miss a chance to smear conservatives, even if that means somehow connecting the right to the murderous cult leader Charles Manson. That’s apparently the view of the New York Times and Newsweek. Both liberal outlets used Manson’s death to attack political enemies.

Meltdown: Fewer than 1 in 4 Minnesotans want Franken to stay in Senate


Al Franken’s colleagues on Capitol Hill and former colleagues on Saturday Night Live might be circling the wagons around him after two allegations of sexual harassment have emerged. The one group that really matters has not — his constituents. A new poll commissioned by local ABC affiliate KSTP shows that only 22% of Minnesotans believe Franken should remain in office, with the remainder split almost evenly between waiting out a Senate Ethics Committee investigation and an immediate resignation. Veteran political analyst Steven Schier notes that there is no good news for Franken anywhere in this poll:

via Meltdown: Fewer than 1 in 4 Minnesotans want Franken to stay in Senate – Hot Air Hot Air


Is Thanksgiving..

I wish all the best to those whom follow, comment, etc here @ Freedom Is Just Another Word.

All of you whom are traveling for the Holiday I wish you safe and problem free travels.

Me? Most Dearest, Eldest Son and the MaddMedic are headed off to Sis-in-Laws for Thanksgiving…Most excellent cook Sis-in-Law is.(Youngest Son will not be home as he has to work!)

And Most Dearest is making candied yams (my favorite, but NOT diabetic proof!!! So moderation you know!!) and her delicious pumpkin pie!!!

Only a short trip and weather won’t be a problem. High of 41!!!

Friday is of course ‘Black’ Friday..Which I studiously avoid…


Cabela’s is putting some pretty damn good deals together and since we are only 20 plus miles away from the Owatonna store….

I may grab my son and head off as early as we can Friday morning..


Oh hell, how about we will!!

So tomorrow will be food, football, more food, way to much food and good times for the Tribe (In-laws side).

My side? Unfortunately we are scattered and not overly close. Our political viewpoints and views on the 2nd Amendment are so far apart it sometimes goes badly when we get together and since only myself and two younger sisters are left…Sadly we have not gotten together since Mom’s passing. And with Youngest Sis living on the East Coast in the People’s Republic Of Massachusetts, they just do not come home anymore.

And Friday night? My Indians err Huskies!!! Are playing for the Class 5A State High School Football Championship (American! Not that foreign version!!).

So Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!



Discerning Road Block

Discerning Road Block

November 22



“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Heb 10:36-37).

How do you know when God has placed obstacles in your path to protect you or that Satan is hindering God’s purposes in your affairs?

I was in California traveling four hours to a speaking engagement when terrible fires had broken out in Southern California and many of the highways were being shut down. Such was the case about an hour into my journey. I had to detour to a small town and was questioning whether I should turn around and go back. I stopped at a convenience store. A woman pumping gas next to me said the interstate was closed down ahead and if I was going north I would never get there and even if I did get there I’d have difficulty getting back.

Suddenly, fear struck me with the prospects of being stranded in a strange place. I quietly prayed, asking the Lord whether this was a warning for me to turn back or Satan’s hindrance. I went into the convenience store to inquire about a map. While I was standing there a man walked up to me and said, “Where are you trying to go?” I told him my dilemma and he explained that the interstate was open just north of where we were and that he had to go to this exact spot and would be glad to guide me there. He took me through all sorts of side roads in very unfamiliar areas. I would never have gotten there by myself, nor would I have made the attempt.

We came to the interstate ramp just above where the fires were. He waived as he sent me on my way. I had no more trouble. I arrived at the luncheon on time and ministered to the businessmen.

I often look at that situation and wonder if God sent his angel to lead me to where I was to go. Immediately after I had prayed at that convenience store – the man approached me and gave me the answer.

Do you have a situation that is difficult to discern whether God is protecting you or Satan is hindering you? Ask God to show you.

Irrelevant Rag Defending Groper…

But even as I made the case for resignation, I was relieved that it seemed as if Franken might stick around, because I adore him as a public figure. It’s easy to condemn morally worthless men like Trump; it’s much harder to figure out what should happen to men who make valuable political and cultural contributions, and whose alleged misdeeds fall far short of criminal. Learning about all the seemingly good guys who do shameful things is what makes this moment, with its frenzied pace of revelations, so painful and confounding.

via When Our Allies Are Accused of Harassment – The New York Times

A sane view of oneself

November 22
A sane view of oneself
Romans 12
“… Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment …” (v.3)

We continue trying to clear up the misunderstandings that surround the word “humility.” Humility has often been confused with that sad state which we describe as an “inferiority complex.” But however much humility and an inferiority complex resemble each other — and one has to admit that superficially they do look alike — humility is deeply different.
Humility is not the result of being badly mishandled in childhood, nor is it a nervous illness. Neither is it derived from a foolish comparison with other people. Humility is a true and absorbing view of oneself seen from God’s point of view. Paul urges us in our passage today not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, “but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith” (v.3, NKJV).
These verses are sometimes interpreted as meaning that we should have a low opinion of ourselves, but look again at what the apostle is saying: “… not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly.” We should not think of ourselves more highly than we ought, but by the same token, we should not think of ourselves more lowly than we ought. We must have a sane and balanced estimate of ourselves — one that is not too high and not too low. Humility, as we said yesterday, flows from a correct viewof God, but it also flows from a correct view of ourselves. These two facts need overhauling and emphasizing in today’s Church, for I am convinced that a large percentage of Christians have neither a correct view of God nor a correct view of themselves.
My Father and my God, I pray once again that You will help me come to a clear understanding of this issue. Help me get my perspectives right — my perspective on You and my perspective on myself. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
For Further Study
1. What is the “pride of life”?
2. What accompanies pride?