Why is Your Rep. Still Refusing to Support Constitutional Carry?

Urge Rep. John Kline (R) to Cosponsor H.R. 923

Dear Kevin,

The move to pass national concealed carry reciprocity stalled in the House of Representatives last week.

Reportedly, the bill was temporarily shelved because of opposition from House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. 

These two Republican leaders only want to grant national concealed carry reciprocity to more liberal states like New York and California, but not to most residents of the 11 most pro-gun states.

The reason you are receiving this email is that your Congressman, Rep. John Kline (R), is one of those Congressmen who doesn’t seem to think that citizens like you should be able to exercise their constitutionally-protected rights without getting permission from a bureaucrat.

Rep. John Kline (R) has steadfastly REFUSED to cosponsor the Constitutional Carry reciprocity bill that would enshrine the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

If we can get more Representatives to cosponsor this Constitutional Carry reciprocity bill (H.R. 923), then the leadership will be forced to protect gun owners from permitless carry states.

So far, your Representative has refused to cosponsor H.R. 923, the pro-gun bill introduced by Rep. Marlin Stutzman.

Urge Rep. John Kline (R) to Cosponsor H.R. 923

H.R. 923 would protect the growing number of Constitutional Carry states, where residents can carry as a matter of right, without getting permission from the government.

Constitutional Carry is spreading across the country.  In 2000, there was only one permitless carry state — Vermont. 

But today, more than one-fifth of the country has Constitutional Carry.  And more states are expected to soon follow.

Consider that state legislators have introduced permitless carry bills in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

It’s only a matter of time before these states join the “Constitutional Carry” Club.

Just as “Shall Issue” concealed carry legislation swept the nation in the 1990s and 2000s, we are now witnessing the next generation of carry laws — aka, Constitutional Carry — become law in state after state.

So it is imperative that Congress doesn’t pass a reciprocity bill that shuts out the freedom-loving residents from permitless carry states.

This is why the Senate has voted twice on its version of Congressman Marlin Stutzman’s national reciprocity bill.

The Senate version also recognizes the right of people from Constitutional Carry states to carry nationally, by simply showing a photo identification issued by their home state.

Urge Rep. John Kline (R) to Cosponsor H.R. 923

Sadly, Rep. John Kline (R) is only supporting Congressman Richard Hudson’s bill, H.R. 986.

Under this plan, if a gun owner has a concealed carry license from a liberal state like New York, they can use that license to carry anywhere in the country.  

But if a person comes from a pro-gun Constitutional Carry state, they are out of luck under H.R. 986 unless they seek permission to carry concealed and get registered like a sex offender.

Make no mistake about it: It is an important first step that your congressman cosponsored the weaker version of national reciprocity, which benefits residents of the more anti-gun states, but not pro-gun ones.

But your congressman may be under the misimpression that he can satisfy both the gun owners and the House leadership at the same time.

The House leadership will tolerate the Hudson bill, because it forces all gun owners to get registered.  But they will NOT tolerate the Stutzman language (H.R. 923) which promotes FREEDOM as the Founders’ envisioned.

Urge Rep. John Kline (R) to Cosponsor H.R. 923

So we must send a STRONG MESSAGE to the Republican leadership that gun owners want Constitutional Carry — and we do that by getting more cosponsors on H.R. 923.

That way, if the Hudson bill ever reaches the floor of the House, the leadership knows gun owners want the Stutzman language to be added to protect pro-gun Constitutional Carry states as well.

Otherwise, the primary impact of any reciprocity bill would be to discourage additional states from jumping on the “constitutional carry bandwagon.”

So please email your congressman, Rep. John Kline (R).

Tell him that, while you appreciate his cosponsorship of the weaker Hudson reciprocity bill, you hope that he will also cosponsor and support the pro-gun Stutzman bill.

And, if you don’t mind, you can call Rep. John Kline (R) as well by dialing the Capitol Hill Switchboard at 202-225-3121 and asking for his office.

When we generate lots of calls, it really gets their attention!


Congress Must Censure President Obama over Hiroshima Speech

Obama, worthless…

Obama told the world on Friday in Hiroshima that the American decision to drop nuclear bombs in 1945 arose from humanity’s worst instincts.

Obama, a native of Honolulu who grew up near Pearl Harbor, said nothing about the fact that Japan started the war; nothing about the fact that the Japanese were responsible for the slaughter of millions of civilians throughout Asia and the Pacific; nothing about the fact that the Japanese refused to surrender after hundreds of thousands had already been killed in conventional bombing.

Source: Congress Must Censure President Obama over Hiroshima Speech

Media BiASSED!!!

English, Spanish Networks Refuse to Cover Katie Couric Gun Control Editing Scandal

After some great work on Wednesday by the Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski and others to uncover Katie Couric’s deceptive editing of an interview in her gun control documentary, the major broadcast networks and cable partners CNN and MSNBC have yet to say a word about this embarrassing development for the liberal journalist.

Katie Couric’s Career of Attacking Gun Rights

From pressing then Colorado Governor Bill Owens, just one day after the Columbine massacre, about the “accessibility of guns” to asking GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan about President Obama’s January gun control speech “What did you think when the President cried?…Were you affected by it?” Katie Couric has consistently pushed for gun control in her posts at NBC, CBS and Yahoo! News. The following are just some of the worst examples of Couric’s career-long push against gun rights as collected from the MRC’s archives.

Gayle King: No One at the Party I Was at Cares About Hillary’s E-Mail Scandal

According to Gayle King, no one at the party she was at on Wednesday night cares about Hillary Clinton’s growing e-mail scandal. Talking to John Dickerson, the CBS This Morning co-host tried to minimize the damage with anecdotal evidence: “Put it in perspective. How big a deal is this, really? I was at an event last night and both Democrats and Republicans were quoting Bernie Sanders saying, ‘I’m sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.’"

John Dickerson: It’s ‘Our Jobs’ As Journalists to Shift Conversation Away From Clinton’s Past

During a conversation Wednesday night at a YMCA in New York City, CBS’ late night host Stephen Colbert interviewed CBS News political director John Dickerson on the race for the White House. At some point in the interview, they took audience questions in which one person asked if Bill Clinton’s past should affect Hillary Clinton’s future. Dickerson responded by admitting that it was one of journalists’ “jobs” to steer the conversation away from candidates’ pasts.

ABC Worries Hillary Is Not Fighting Back Hard Enough Against Trump

With numerous polls now showing a virtual tie between presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, the liberal media seems to be getting nervous. ABC’s World News Tonight seemed to show the first signs of this fear Thursday. “Our team also asking Clinton today, what some of her supporters have been asking,” stated host David Muir,After Donald Trump’s attacks, is Clinton fighting back hard enough?”

Today Show to TSA Administrator: Are Airlines or Congress to Blame?

Asked what he thought of privatizing airport security, the head of the TSA laughably responded that “no matter how you do it, you need federal oversight of the system to ensure consistency and high standards.” Even more laughable, two NBC hosts just accepted that answer and moved along to asking if Congress needs to pay the TSA more. Amid record lines, staffing turnover and scandal, the crew at NBC’s Today tried to help Peter Neffenger, the TSA Administrator, find someone else to blame during an interview on May 26.

Nets Tout Obama Overseas Attack on Trump, Bashed Bush for Same Thing

All three network morning shows on Thursday heralded President Obama blasting Donald Trump during a trip to Japan, declaring that world leaders were “rattled” by the Republican candidate. In stark contrast, when then-President Bush criticized then-Senator Obama’s views on foreign policy during an overseas trip in 2008, those same networks lined up Democrats to denounce the “political shot heard ’round the world.”

NBC Touts Reporter’s Outburst at Trump in North Dakota

On a day that was marked by the Donald Trump campaign breaking the 1237 delegates needed to clinch the GOP nomination NBC focused on stoking controversy. “Trump opening the door to debate Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of his most dogged Democratic attackers,” reported NBC’s Hallie Jackson on Nightly News Thursday, “Trump’s nickname for her, Pocahontas.” And from there it was a Trump slugfest as they piled on him.

A Gun Owner Goes to the Doctor

And they best not ask me.

Most doctors don’t care whether you own guns & won’t bother asking because they don’t have the time, but what if your doctor asks you about your guns?

Doctor:  “Uh, because they’re dangerous.  So do you own any?”

Patient:  “You mean dangerous like driving, swimming, and using power tools and ladders?  Since that’s not why I came to you, it’s not relevant, is it?”

Source: A Gun Owner Goes to the Doctor

You Need Power

You Need Power

May 27

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8).

D.L. Moody was a shoe salesman until God moved him into a full-time preaching ministry, often in the streets of Chicago. There came a point in his journey with God that he realized he needed more in his life than what he was experiencing. "At the close of the Sabbath evening services I remember two holy women they would say to me, ‘We have been praying for you.’ I said, ‘Why don’t you pray for the people?’ They answered, ‘You need power.’

‘I need power?’ I said to myself. Why, I thought I had power. I had a large Sabbath school and the largest congregation in Chicago. I was in a sense satisfied. But then came these two godly women who prayed for me, and their earnest talk about "the anointing for special service" set me thinking. I asked them to come and talk with me, and we got down on our knees. They poured out their hearts, that I might receive the anointing of the Holy Ghost. And there came a great hunger into my soul. I knew not what it was. I began to cry as I never did before. The hunger increased. I really felt that I did no want to live any longer if I could not have this power for service. I kept on crying all the time that God would fill me with His Spirit. Well, one day, in the city of New York – Oh, what a day! I cannot describe it; I seldom refer to it; it is almost too sacred an experience to me. Paul had an experience that he never spoke for fourteen years. I can only say, God revealed Himself to me, and I had such an experience of His love that I had to ask Him to say His hand.

I went to preaching again. The sermons were no different; I did not present any new truths, and yet hundreds were converted. I would not be placed back where I was before that blessed experience if you would gave me all Glasgow.*

*Elmer Towns, Understanding the Deeper Life, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1984, pp. 224, 225

It thundered

It thundered
For reading & meditation: 1 Corinthians 2
"The spiritual man judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one." (v.15, RSV) The final words of our Lord in the incident we are considering are these: "Father, glorify thy name" (John 12:28, RSV). What a decision! What a moment! "Father, do not think of what it costs me – only glorify Your name." At that moment, He gave God a blank cheque, blank save that it was signed in His own blood. It is a great moment in our life, too, when we hand God a blank cheque, signed in our own blood, and invite Him to call on us for all we have and all we are. One person described this moment as "the great renunciation". If that is so, then the moment of great renunciation is followed by a great annunciation. Listen: "Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again’ " (John 12:28, RSV). The moment Jesus made the final response, then heaven spoke. Many of us who complain we are living under a silent heaven would find it vocal with the voice of God if we would choose the Calvary way. Of course, the bystanders missed what was really going on and "said that it had thundered" (John 12:29). To them, it was the impersonal voice of nature. Others came a little closer to reality, and said: "An angel had spoken to him." To them, it was a little more than the impersonal voice of nature, and yet something less than the voice of God. Anyone who stands on the edges of life as a bystander is bound to give a shallow interpretation of what God is doing. It is only those who have faced the alternatives – to die or not to die – who are really involved.

My Father, I don’t want to be a bystander. I want to be in the centre of all You are saying and all You are doing. Heres my cheque – signed with my own blood. Fill it in for everything You want from me. I do it willingly, gladly, happily. Amen.

For further study:
Joshua 24:1-15; Luke 10:42
1. What challenge did Joshua bring?
2. What was said of Moses?

It’s True: Obamacare “Health Insurance Payment Is About To Jump”

This article was written by Tyler Durden and originally published at Zero Hedge.

Editor’s Comment: Level-headed people and critics knew years ago. Now they are being proven right, not that it is any consolation to those who must pay it.

Obamacare is going to absolutely rape many of the people who are forced to pay for socialized medical care, passed under a cloud of lies and deceptions and meaningless reassurances about how “affordable” the forced-insurance will be. How will Americans be able to afford these sharp increases? Just as President Obama has stated, it will come at the cost of other necessities and conveniences of life – phones, utilities and quality food (that could prevent health problems).

DAVID KEENE: Hillary Clinton’s false endorsement of gun rights ….

To suggest that President Obama and his managers downplayed the president’s lifelong hostility to the private ownership of firearms during his 2012 re-election campaign is an understatement. His campaign went so far as to air ads in firearms-friendly areas featuring the president arguing that he was a lifelong supporter of Second Amendment rights and pledging that he would not “take” your shotgun, rifle or pistol. A sycophantic media horde supported him on this with Chris Matthews declaring that the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre was “clinically insane” if he actually believed Mr. Obama would go after the Second Amendment.

Source: DAVID KEENE: Hillary Clinton’s false endorsement of gun rights – Washington Times