Per Minute! Rights! Popular Name? FrankenClown! Fight Back! Murder!

Thats a bunch!! I need to get busy!!

FBI: 32 Gun Purchase Background Checks Per Minute Under Obama
Lawmakers need to see these numbers. According to FBI data there have been 70,291,049 background checks for gun-purchasers since Obama took office. CNS News notes that this equates to 32 background checks per minute.

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At least some are standing up to the Democrats and RINOs working hard to destroy our Rights!

Lee: Protecting the Second Amendment
Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered a speech on the Senate floor reaffirming the need to protect the second amendment. The full text of the speech is available below, and can be viewed here.

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This is bad…If you do not know why. Check out the favorite names and birth rates in Europe..Then do some math..If your Government Education taught you any!!

Mohamed Now One of the Most Popular Boy Names in Minnesota


Hey Al FrankenClown….

Then keep UNIONS and such things as ACORN or whatever it goes by today out of Elections also!!

Now tell us who gave you this money? Public Interests? Unions? DNC? Who?

Franken raised nearly $2 million in first quarter for re-election bid

And why the hell is he fund raising in Kalifornistan?? This is a Minnesota election!!


Should be more then 6…But it is a start!!

6 Gun Companies Fighting Back Against Gun Control, For Your Rights


If Gosnell had shot seven infants with an AR-15, it would be national news: Rep. Chris Smith

John Jalsevac Thu Apr 11 17:07 EST Abortion

That was the challenging observation made this morning by Rep. Chris Smith on the floor of the U.S. House.

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