Control People and Their Land

Is the UN’s Goal..

And Obama’s and the Left’s ideal in this Country.

So we can all be poor and destitute and controlled by the “elites” of the Left..

President Reagan pulled America out of United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1984 because he believed it was totally corrupt. George W. Bush returned our country to UNESCO in 2002, stating he was doing so as a symbol of our commitment to human dignity. “This organization has been reformed,” he said, “and America will participate fully in its mission to advance human rights and tolerance and learning.”

Because “we” rejoined UNESCO, it’s Man and the Biosphere Program, which has never completely halted since its inception in the early 1970s, has been moving full speed ahead in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (U.P.). It’s gathered considerable traction in the Northern Lower Peninsula, too. Biospheres, however, are listed only at the request of the country in which they’re located and can be removed from the biosphere reserve list at any time by a request from that country. The National Park Service is typically the government agency to make such a request.

Unelect Obama and the Left..

Boot the Useless United Nations..

Fight for Freedom