Record. Cow! Channeling? Flag! Klobuchar! New Words! ‘Hoodie’ Sunday?

For the Record

“[Attorney General Eric] Holder’s minions, it is worth remembering, consulted with the NAACP before the Justice Department dropped the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case that the government had already won. … There would have been no Florida prosecution of Zimmerman absent the extortionate pressure brought to bear by Attorney General Eric Holder. We knew that even before learning last week that Justice’s ‘Community Relations Division’ (Alinsky-style rabble-rousing under the guise of ‘peacemaker’) colluded at taxpayer expense with the NAACP and other agitators to demand that charges be brought against Zimmerman — managing, in the process, to get Sanford police chief Bill Lee cashiered for daring to do his job faithfully, tune out the politics, and decline to arrest Zimmerman because the evidence didn’t support it. Recall that contemporaneous with the spring 2012 demonstrations against Zimmerman that the Justice Department abetted — and with President Obama’s nod-and-wink incitement that, if he had a son, the son would ‘look like Trayvon’ — Holder sped down to Florida. There, he sang the praises of race huckster extraordinaire Al Sharpton, joining Rev. No Justice, No Peace in calling for Zimmerman’s scalp. Holder’s M-O was to threaten a federal civil rights prosecution if Florida failed to act.” –former DoJ prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy


Racist? Pretty sure Sharpton, Jackson, Buck Ofama and Holder would find someway to claim racism and use it in their race war on whites!!

Cow crashes through roof, kills sleeping man

A 3000lb cow??


Channeling Pelosi? Or a virus that infects DemocRATS?

Sen. Reid: Confirm Obama nominees to find out who they are (Bonus: Promises to resign?)

Do politicians even try to think before speaking anymore?


How about they go to Mexico and burn their flag!?

Anti-Zimmerman Protesters Burn American Flag


Of course she does! She is a good little DemocRAT and follows orders!!

Klobuchar backs Senate filibuster reform


Buck Ofama’s new words….or something…

President Obama’s New American Vocabulary

Affordable Care Act: Mostly unaffordable, uncaring, and inactive.

Assault Weapon: Paint your .22 black and add a plastic handle.

Goes from there…


And next week they will go back to using their version of the Bible. One that leaves out G-d’s Word and substitutes what they want to hear!! A nice Bible..

Churches hold ‘Hoodie Sunday’
