Holder. If! Ender’s Game! Holder’s Gun Grab! Petition! Great Divider! Buck’s Numbers!

Holder, unbelievable AssO!!

Eric Holder dismissed America as a ‘nation of cowards’ because we wouldn’t, he argued, have a ‘national conversation’ about race. … The slander is hydra-headed. No honest conversation about race is possible when accusations of racism replace reasoned arguments. … Look around you. The violence and bitterness that have followed the Zimmerman verdict were virtually ordered up by convicted slanderer Al Sharpton and his many imitators. The Zimmerman case was complicated. Any fair-minded person could see that it was difficult to conclude that Zimmerman was not acting in self-defense (however unwise his initial actions may have been). But the racial-grievance industrial complex doesn’t permit complexity. Racial enmity is their living. Stirring feelings of victimization and injustice among blacks and, to a lesser extent, among other designated minorities is their delight.” –columnist Mona Charen



“[I]f 14-year-old girls are considered old enough to buy the morning-after pill off the shelf and have abortions without their parents’ knowledge, it’s difficult to listen to a 17-year-old six-footer being eulogized as an innocent child. What I don’t get is how it is that in addition to the usual race hustlers who pass themselves off as ministers, every black in the House, the NFL and the NBA, have been demanding that Zimmerman be lynched, but I don’t hear about anybody in the Latino community defending the man. I can’t help wondering if the House Hispanics who spend most of their time demanding open borders would have rallied to his side if his last name were Perez, Gomez or Gonzales. Racism comes in many different forms, after all. For my part, I would like to see Tea Party patriots and the politicians beholden to them demonstrating outside the Justice Department, carrying placards demanding justice for Zimmerman. … Finally, I can’t help thinking that if Marco Rubio had a younger brother, he would look a lot like George Zimmerman.” –columnist Burt Prelutsky


Great book. Would see this movie! Boycott it? Why? Becasue someone’s views disagree with yours?

‘Ender’s Game’ director and star discuss the proposed boycott of the film

Grow up twits!!

Speaking twits, Holder is one also, unfortunately a dangerous one due to position as Buck Ofama‘s head thug….

Holder reveals his plan for your gun

When Attorney General Eric Holder ordered the Sanford, Fla., police department to hold on to all the evidence in George Zimmerman’s trial following his acquittal on murder and manslaughter charges in the death of Trayvon Martin, he was doing more than signaling the U.S. Justice Department plans to subject the neighborhood watch captain to double jeopardy in violation of the Constitution.

By specifically telling the local police they should not return Zimmerman’s gun, he was telling every American firearms owner he had the power and the intent to take their guns, too.



Investigate the race based malicious prosecution & civil rights violations towards George Zimmerman by the government


The Great Divider, Buck Ofama. Keeping his reputation going strong…

Barack Obama divides America with Trayvon Martin speech


Disprove? Oh hell yeah!!

Diving into oblivion is my wish for Buck Ofama!!

More Americans disapprove of Barack Obama than George Zimmerman, as new polls show the president’s job approval rating nosing further downward


The Stupid! Obama Youth! Contempt!

The stupid is strong on the Left and if this is any sign of what they think is their future…We all are in deep shit..

Jeantel admits Trayvon ‘whooped’ Zimmerman’s ‘a–‘


Heil Obama!!!

If the education system does not educate you and prepare you with the basic skills to live a good life, then you need someone to take care of you. So sayeth the State!

LAUSD’s Obamacare Promotion Is America’s Hitler Youth (via http://www.thebrennerbrief.com)

In a move worthy of Nazi Germany, the Los Angeles Unified School District will begin teaching students to promote Obamacare via blatant indoctrination. Obama’s Third Reich is upon us. Obama’s own Hitler Youth is about to hit California like a tsunami…


Should Congress Be Held in Contempt? (via http://www.thebrennerbrief.com)

The American public is very close to holding Congress in contempt. Its approval ratings rank well below those for lawyers, but the reasons are not those heard or read in national news reports. Talking heads and writing wonks declare that absence of…


Village Idiots

Making it about guns: “‘Shoot first’ laws like those in Florida can inspire dangerous vigilantism and protect those who act recklessly with guns. Such laws — drafted by gun lobby extremists in Washington — encourage deadly confrontations by enabling people to shoot first and argue ‘justifiable homicide’ later. The tragic death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed child attempting to walk home from the store, will continue to drive our efforts [for more gun control].” —New York City MayorMichael Bloomberg

“Separate and apart from the [Trayvon Martin] case that has drawn the nation’s attention, it’s time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods. … It is our collective obligation; we must stand OUR ground to ensure … that our laws reduce violence, and take a hard look at laws that contribute to more violence than they prevent.” –Attorney General Eric Holder

“We must not — as we have too often in the past — let this opportunity pass. … I want to assure you that the Department will continue to act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law. …. And we will never stop working to ensure that — in every case, in every circumstance, and in every community — justice must be done.” –Eric Holder

“We will pursue civil rights charges with the Department of Justice, we will continue to fight for the removal of Stand Your Ground laws in every state, and we will not rest until racial profiling in all its forms is outlawed.” –NAACP president Benjamin Jealous

Even more race bait: “Frankly, I am stunned over this … tremendous miscarriage of justice [in the Zimmerman trial]. When the jury says not guilty — he’s at least guilty of murder. An armed man, racially pursuing and profiling a young African-American boy, and kills him.” –Jesse Jackson

“F—ing Zimmerman got away with murder today wow what kind of world do we live in. All them jurors should go home tonight and kill themselves for letting a grown man get away with killing a kid.” –Atlanta Falcons player Roddy White

“It’s 2013 and an American jury just acquitted a man who admitted to stalking and killing an unarmed child.” –actor-director Richard Dreyfuss

“We are officially game, like deer. … Black parents hold your kids at home because apparently killing black children is okay. … Ni—- are official ‘sport’. Rabbit season, duck season, ni— season.” –actor Marlon Wayans


Short Cuts

“Future generations are going to have fun analyzing how a large majority electing a black president was a step backwards in race relations.” –columnist Frank J. Fleming

“The University of Hawaii set aside an oceanfront site in a bid to have President Obama’s library located there. However, one of two colleges in Southside Chicago may get the library. That’s because in Chicago Barack Obama got a hundred twenty percent of the vote.” –comedian Argus Hamilton

“President Obama said he wants to use Google’s model to create ‘a smarter government.’ Nah, he should try the Twitter model: no new laws over 140 characters long.” –Fred Thompson

“According to a new study, inactivity can kill you. You can die from doing nothing. Believe me. These findings scare the hell out of the Congress.” –comedian Jay Leno

Oops! Zimmerman! Pummeled! Fallout. Lies and Liars!

“It is our duty to endeavor always to promote the general good; to do to all as we would be willing to be done by were we in their circumstances; to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before God. These are some of the laws of nature which every man in the world is bound to observe, and which whoever violates exposes himself to the resentment of mankind, the lashes of his own conscience, and the judgment of Heaven. This plainly shows that the highest state of liberty subjects us to the law of nature and the government of God.”

Samuel West, On the Right to Rebel Against Governors, 1776


Wrong place, wrong guy, wrong gun…

Bad guy is lucky to have survived…

Pull a gun on someone, even a BB gun..Is open season!!


George Zimmerman: In Hiding

The Buck Ofama Constitution ignoring circus continues. What an ASS!

By inciting violence, the Obama administration, and liberal-left media, were sending a message to the jury, trying to convince the jury to ignore the lack of evidence, and find Zimmerman guilty to save us from the race riots – as the prosecution tried to convince the jury to ignore the lack of evidence, and make their decision based on feelings. . . sad feelings that the parents of Trayvon lost their son.


If this had been some so called ‘liberal’ film maker such as Micheal ‘Man Pig’ Moore…You would have the leftist media in a frenzy ..

Conservative filmmaker pummeled at Trayvon rally


One wonders if this is not what the establishment wanted? Not guilty so they can continue their campaign of oppression!!!

Race Baiting, Gun Hating Fallout From Zimmerman Verdict


Lying is never good. Outright lies from those elected to govern are particularly horrendous! And continued blatant lies are reasons for dismissal!!

Is The Safety Of The State Really Worth More Than The Truth?


Record. Cow! Channeling? Flag! Klobuchar! New Words! ‘Hoodie’ Sunday?

For the Record

“[Attorney General Eric] Holder’s minions, it is worth remembering, consulted with the NAACP before the Justice Department dropped the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case that the government had already won. … There would have been no Florida prosecution of Zimmerman absent the extortionate pressure brought to bear by Attorney General Eric Holder. We knew that even before learning last week that Justice’s ‘Community Relations Division’ (Alinsky-style rabble-rousing under the guise of ‘peacemaker’) colluded at taxpayer expense with the NAACP and other agitators to demand that charges be brought against Zimmerman — managing, in the process, to get Sanford police chief Bill Lee cashiered for daring to do his job faithfully, tune out the politics, and decline to arrest Zimmerman because the evidence didn’t support it. Recall that contemporaneous with the spring 2012 demonstrations against Zimmerman that the Justice Department abetted — and with President Obama’s nod-and-wink incitement that, if he had a son, the son would ‘look like Trayvon’ — Holder sped down to Florida. There, he sang the praises of race huckster extraordinaire Al Sharpton, joining Rev. No Justice, No Peace in calling for Zimmerman’s scalp. Holder’s M-O was to threaten a federal civil rights prosecution if Florida failed to act.” –former DoJ prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy


Racist? Pretty sure Sharpton, Jackson, Buck Ofama and Holder would find someway to claim racism and use it in their race war on whites!!

Cow crashes through roof, kills sleeping man

A 3000lb cow??


Channeling Pelosi? Or a virus that infects DemocRATS?

Sen. Reid: Confirm Obama nominees to find out who they are (Bonus: Promises to resign?)

Do politicians even try to think before speaking anymore?


How about they go to Mexico and burn their flag!?

Anti-Zimmerman Protesters Burn American Flag


Of course she does! She is a good little DemocRAT and follows orders!!

Klobuchar backs Senate filibuster reform


Buck Ofama’s new words….or something…

President Obama’s New American Vocabulary

Affordable Care Act: Mostly unaffordable, uncaring, and inactive.

Assault Weapon: Paint your .22 black and add a plastic handle.

Goes from there…


And next week they will go back to using their version of the Bible. One that leaves out G-d’s Word and substitutes what they want to hear!! A nice Bible..

Churches hold ‘Hoodie Sunday’


Home! Threats! Riots or Tantrums? Deserved? Hate!! Fired! Buck Ofama

Well now. This would be a handy hideout!!

Retired missile silo turned into $750K home (15 Photos)


Okay so will these threats result in his arrest? Should..

Trayvon Martin shooting: Teen threatens ‘mass homicide’ on Twitter if George Zimmerman is acquitted

And then this….

Charged!!!! Felony!!

All these goons want are a reason to destroy..and any reason will do!!

Oakland Hit By Riots After Zimmerman Verdict

More here..

What the left does when it does not get what it wants!! Throws childish, destructive tantrums…


More proof our lame stream media has lost all relevancy and objectivity..

Tampa Bay Times’ Zimmerman tweet asks ‘whether the dead boy deserved it’


As for lame, Buck Ofama takes hate to another level. Hate for all things White and American!! As do all his supporters and worshipers…

George Zimmerman’s Father: So Much Hate Coming From Obama, NAACP, etc.


One must be careful when pointing the failures of ones employer..

IT director who raised questions about Zimmerman case is fired

Especially when one is right and employer is wrong!!


Garbage. Effing garbage from Buck Ofama!!

Just when we thought the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case was over after Zimmerman’s acquittal, the Obama Administration has taken the steps needed to file federal charges, thus sidestepping the well established double

jeopardy, against Zimmerman.  Unidentified sources within the Administration have confirmed that Obama, and Justice Eric Holder at the Department of Justice have filed charges against Zimmerman for “violating Trayvon Martin’s civil rights”.

Rich Bahs-turd! Biased!! Sads? Outrageous! Moonbeam!! Hustlers!

Nanny Bloomberg. Egotistical rich bahs-turd using his billions to get his way!!

Bloomberg to honor Manchin with cash – West Virginians lose out on jobs due to Manchin’s gun control push

Was no reporting involved. Biased, untruthful, divisive liberal bullshit!!

Zimmerman trial: Did wall-to-wall media coverage inform, or entertain?


And we whom believe in Freedom and our God given rights should care what this assO thinks or feels? Well we should because he does have Buck Ofama‘s ear or something!

David Axelrod has a case of the sads over ‘win for NRA’ in Illinois


Outrageous: Pentagon Mulls Cutting Danger Pay for Veterans Overseas

The Obama administration has a curious relationship with veterans. On the one hand, the President enjoys using soldiers for photo ops during elections.

On the other hand, his administration doesn’t make sure military votes count, scraps fireworks for soldiers (even when local businesses offer to provide them for free), cuts hot meals for soldiers in Afghanistan, and temporarily suspends care for wounded warriors under sequestration.


Only a flipping DemocRAT!

Instead of Fixing Things in America, Democrats Wasting Time Trying to Put a Park on the Moon


Is all they know..Double standards and hypocrisy!!

Race Hustlers and Double Standards

Zimmerman, Deen and Racism in Black and White


Idiocy! More Idiocy!! Race War! Protests! Racism!

“Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? It is feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American… [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.”

Tench Coxe, The Pennsylvania Gazette, 1788


There has been no shortage of knee-jerk idiocy on the part of American educators in the months since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

That about covers it..


The idiocy and idiot in Chit-cago!
Blames ‘Rights’ for his and those before him. Their policy, criminal behavior and disdain for American Citizens!!

Rahm. Laws are not for me to follow!!


Our government is at war with White America.

Be armed. Be ready.

The Obama administration deployed government-paid community organizers to Sanford, Florida after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin last year in order to foment racial tensions, newly released government documents show.


Is it, Parody?


Barack Obama proposes repeal of the 22nd Amendment


Here is a hate crime!!
Oh, wait….Black on white…Nevermind and since the lamestream eff up media of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and MsNBC won’t report it, means it did not ahppen!!

Black on White Racism: Black teenagers pour gas on white boy,set him on fire

More Black on White…More chirp…chirp…chirp…from leftist controlled lamestream media!!!


Stand. Gun Ban. Free AR! Broomsticks? Play. NASCAR.

Stand our ground affirmed by task force in Florida, the place Martin assaulted Zimmerman and ended up losing, because he only brought fists to a gun fight.

The 44-page report released by Republican Gov. Rick Scott’s office said people have a right to feel safe and secure

Damn that makes so much common sense it must make the gun grabbers, politicians and leftist heads hurt like hell.
Since none of them have a damn clue about common sense and taking care of ones self.

Gun ban won’t work.

And the Government knows it. NRA is using their own study against their dastardly plans to disarm Americans.

The memo says the ban would have little impact – especially if the many people who already have assault weapons and high-capacity magazines are allowed to keep them – because assault weapons account for a small number of gun deaths. And it says the usefulness of background checks would depend in part on “requiring gun registration,” something the president has shied away from in the face of bitter opposition from gun-rights advocates.

Says it all about the blameless pResident Buck Ofama..
Free rape whistle!!!


Called an AR 15!!
Works much better then any of this shit.
Biden’s shotgun or

Second on my list of “What did you just say?” is this is advice the University of Colorado gives to women to repel attackers. Check it out:

1. Be realistic about your ability to protect yourself.

2. Your instinct may be to scream, go ahead! It may startle your attacker and give you an opportunity to run away.

3. Kick off your shoes if you have time and can’t run in them.

4. Don’t take time to look back; just get away.

5. If your life is in danger, passive resistance may be your best defense.

6. Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating.

7. Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.

8. Yelling, hitting or biting may give you a chance to escape, do it!

9. Understand that some actions on your part might lead to more harm.

10. Remember, every emergency situation is different. Only you can decide which action is most appropriate.


Does This Broomstick Go With My Prison Stripes?

Really? Wiccans have Chaplains, let alone need one for those in prisons? Like that is a growing segment of Kalifornistan’s prison population?

A 2007 Corrections survey found 183 Wiccan inmates — compared with 42,666 Protestant, 28,884 Muslim, 23,160 Catholic, 8,296 Native American and 2,678 Jewish inmates.

Okay then!!


Another hearing? Why?

Because you think another will change people’s minds? Because you have kicked the bee hive(Freedom) and suddenly realize all those peaceful HoneyBbees making ‘honey’ for the Government(Taxes.) Have turned into ‘African Bees’ and they are pissed off?

You should have thought of that before your knee jerk reactions.

Dianne Feinstein Is Scheduling Another Senate Gun-Confiscation Hearing… And This Time Around, She’s Not Going To Allow Pesky Pro-Second Amendment People, Like You, Spoil Her Party.
The Washington Times reported that Senator Feinstein was apparently “unhappy with the list of witnesses” who testified at the last hearing and “says she plans to hold a separate hearing with witnesses more inclined to back gun control.”

Why hold another hearing…? The answer is simple. The American people are winning the battle to stop Feinstein and Barack Obama from eradicating the Second Amendment, but they believe that they can win if they simply change the national dialogue by stifling any and all voices of dissent.

Oh yes… she’ll hold her new hearing… she’ll stifle any voice of opposition… and she believes her lackeys in the media will give her the political cover she needs to trample on your God-given Constitutional rights.

But we’re going to prove Feinstein and Obama wrong… right here and right now.


MAN STUFF: What MEN played with until golf, pedicures, spray tans and conditioners came along.

Not in my church…
Our Pastors are wimps.
And surround themselves with wimps.
I have been ostracized and ignored. Because I tend to say what I mean and mean what I say.
I do not like to be told what, when or where. Faith, Family, Freedom, Friends, Firearms. That is what I believe.
My Pastor’s want us to be silent, pray, not speak out.
My Pastor has chastised me for speaking out.
He is leaving soon.
Not that I expect much from our Search team…

Maims and injures.

Dangerous debris flying mindlessly around.

Ban it.

Gun Haters Attempt to Hide Evidence

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Anti-gun forces are pulling out all the tricks, including failing to report evidence and editing 911 tapes in an effort to sway the public against Stand Your Ground Laws.

Donate Now – Help SAF Continue To Defend Gun Rights!

Liberal anti-gun forces and race baiters have made much ado about George Zimmerman’s use of deadly force in the Treyvon Martin case. They would like you to believe that Zimmerman, and anyone else who utilizes Stand Your Ground laws, are trigger happy gun slingers actively searching for trouble.

One NBC Miami reporter even went to far as to edit the George Zimmerman’s 911 call in a manner that painted Zimmerman as the instigator.

Print media has been busy only publishing sweet cherublic pictures of Trevon Martin from 5 years ago rather than the up to date “gang banger” thug style Martin was known for in his recent years.

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Other television stations have willfully failed to report or air pictures of the injuries George Zimmerman suffered after the supposedly saintly and innocent Treyvon Martin bashed and bloodied Zimmerman’s head.

One NBC Miami reporter even went to far as to edit the the audio of George Zimmerman’s 911 call to make it sound as if Zimmerman were willfull and bloodthirsty. ALL of this is designed to jade the public NOT ONLY against George Zimmerman, but ALSO against Stand Your Ground laws everywhere.

The gun haters want to strip American‘s of the right to protect themselves from violence. And they are clearly willing to lie, cheat and hide the truth in order to accomplish their objectives.

WE CANNOT LET THEM WIN! STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS MUST BE PROTECTED! And the TRUTH of the Zimmerman case must be revealed!

Donate Now – Help SAF Continue To Defend Gun Rights!

Stand Your Ground Laws In Jeopardy

ALERT: Anti-gunners use Trayvon Martin case to attack gun rights across the country.

Donate Now – Help SAF Continue To Defend Gun Rights!

The gun haters want to snatch away your right to protect and defend your family against violent thugs. The anti-freedom crew is launching an enormous campaign to overturn ALL “Stand your ground” laws and make sure they aren’t adopted by new states.

The “Stand your ground” law says that a person my use force without retreating first to defend themselves when there is a legitimate threat. The law protects citizens who use deadly force from civil suits and criminal charges.

Over and over again, law-abiding citizens use a firearm to defend themselves only to find they themselves are treated like the criminal in the court system.

All too often, folks who simply wanted to protect their family from harm wind up jailed, entangled in messy lawsuits or even forced to pay reparations to the criminal’s family!

It’s mind-boggling how unfair the criminal justice system is to those who use their Second-Amendment rights to keep themselves safe from harm.

Donate Now – Help SAF Continue To Defend Gun Rights!

The “Stand your ground” law began in Florida and in 2005 and has since spread to 30 other states. As you can see, this law is one of the most important pro-gun laws we have right now. And it’s in jeopardy because the gun-haters have decided to launch an all-out attack on this critical Second Amendment protection.


Please, do it now. This is extremely urgent.

Donate Now – Help SAF Continue To Defend Gun Rights!

On February 26, George Zimmerman (a neighborhood watch volunteer) fatally shot 17-year old Trayvon Martin in self-defense. The anti-gun nuts have latched onto this story and are falsely claiming that the “Stand your ground laws” legalizes shooting someone in a confrontation.

David Kopel added, “The assertion that Florida law allows shooting whenever someone believes it to be necessary is a flat-out lie. The actual law of Florida is that ‘a person is justified in the use of deadly force’ if ‘(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony’ (Florida Statutes, Section 776.012). The second part of the law provides special provisions for self-defense against violent home invaders or carjackers. Neither of those is relevant to the Zimmerman case.”

Clearly, the gun-grabbers are lying. But lawmakers in Washington will believe their LIES. Law enforcement officials will believe their LIES. And the media will believe their LIES.

These blatant misrepresentations are only the beginning of a systematic and calculated assault on your right to keep and bear arms.

Please help SAF stop the lies and safeguard your Second Amendment Rights.

You would think during these frightening times, the gun grabbers would back off. After all, we are fighting a war in the Middle East, our economy has flat-lined and oil prices are exploding. But no, instead of diverting their attention to the pressing problems our country is facing, the gun bigots will stop at nothing until they have YOUR FIREARMS IN THEIR HANDS.

Donate Now – Help SAF Continue To Defend Gun Rights!

We don’t have any time to waste.


For our projects to be successful, we must count on the voluntary financial support from individuals like you who care.

We need your financial support today to ensure we have the resources to beat back anti-gunners who will stop at nothing to take away our right and ability to defend ourselves and our families.

Please give your most generous contribution today. Help me defend your individual right to bear arms in this important court case, today!

Your donation for just $15 will help so much. If you can afford to send $50 or $100 or more it would truly be a godsend.

Remember, protecting our freedom is not inexpensive.

But then, it’s impossible to put a price tag on freedom.

Donate Now – Help SAF Continue To Defend Gun Rights!

Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.

For more information about SAF go to www.SAF.org

Thankyou. I know I can count on you.

Sincerely yours,

Alan M. Gottlieb


Second Amendment Foundation