Mooch!! Majority! Zimmerman! Who? Carry A Gun, Why? Bengahzi!!

Well this is good.

Mooch To Take Up Anti-Gun Crusade

Let the bitch do so.


As if Politicians listen to the Majority. Only if there are dollars involved to line their pockets and keep them in their nice cushy jobs.

Majority Support Stand Your Ground Laws


Good! Because it appears as if Justice means nothing when a particular group of liberal racists do not get their way and begin to throw tantrums and threat aroound. He needs guns, pistol, AR, shotgun to protect himself and family now!!!

We’re buying ZIMMERMAN a NEW GUN Despite Eric Holder and the U.S. DOJ


Who the hell is

Baby-Hater @AmandaMarcotte Rather Laments the Survival of the Royal Baby

And why should we care?

Apparently some damn baby hating liberal is would appear..



Because it is my Right and I have a God given Right to defend myself. A human right to protect myself from those who would try to harm, injure or otherwise interfere with my Right to be Free, to protect my family and my damn Right to do so! So eff you if you think otherwise!!

If you don’t believe in those Rights, then guess what? That is why I will carry a gun….and that may be legal carry, according to those politicians whom would make it their ‘right’ (small ‘r’) to try and infringe on my Rights. Or illegal carry according to the same. Either way I will. I will not submit. I have made that choice. If I find it necessary to use my weapon and I pray to my God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I never do. I will. And looking at the way things are going, after I use it I will quietly move on. And you will have to find me. Good luck with that…

I am not a subject or a victim. I am a Free person and will die a free person. Eff the Government, eff Buck Ofama and his thugs. Eff those whom would make me submit.


CIA did this, along with Buck Ofama!

CIA Blocked Security Team Departure During Benghazi Attack


Holder. If! Ender’s Game! Holder’s Gun Grab! Petition! Great Divider! Buck’s Numbers!

Holder, unbelievable AssO!!

Eric Holder dismissed America as a ‘nation of cowards’ because we wouldn’t, he argued, have a ‘national conversation’ about race. … The slander is hydra-headed. No honest conversation about race is possible when accusations of racism replace reasoned arguments. … Look around you. The violence and bitterness that have followed the Zimmerman verdict were virtually ordered up by convicted slanderer Al Sharpton and his many imitators. The Zimmerman case was complicated. Any fair-minded person could see that it was difficult to conclude that Zimmerman was not acting in self-defense (however unwise his initial actions may have been). But the racial-grievance industrial complex doesn’t permit complexity. Racial enmity is their living. Stirring feelings of victimization and injustice among blacks and, to a lesser extent, among other designated minorities is their delight.” –columnist Mona Charen



“[I]f 14-year-old girls are considered old enough to buy the morning-after pill off the shelf and have abortions without their parents’ knowledge, it’s difficult to listen to a 17-year-old six-footer being eulogized as an innocent child. What I don’t get is how it is that in addition to the usual race hustlers who pass themselves off as ministers, every black in the House, the NFL and the NBA, have been demanding that Zimmerman be lynched, but I don’t hear about anybody in the Latino community defending the man. I can’t help wondering if the House Hispanics who spend most of their time demanding open borders would have rallied to his side if his last name were Perez, Gomez or Gonzales. Racism comes in many different forms, after all. For my part, I would like to see Tea Party patriots and the politicians beholden to them demonstrating outside the Justice Department, carrying placards demanding justice for Zimmerman. … Finally, I can’t help thinking that if Marco Rubio had a younger brother, he would look a lot like George Zimmerman.” –columnist Burt Prelutsky


Great book. Would see this movie! Boycott it? Why? Becasue someone’s views disagree with yours?

‘Ender’s Game’ director and star discuss the proposed boycott of the film

Grow up twits!!

Speaking twits, Holder is one also, unfortunately a dangerous one due to position as Buck Ofama‘s head thug….

Holder reveals his plan for your gun

When Attorney General Eric Holder ordered the Sanford, Fla., police department to hold on to all the evidence in George Zimmerman’s trial following his acquittal on murder and manslaughter charges in the death of Trayvon Martin, he was doing more than signaling the U.S. Justice Department plans to subject the neighborhood watch captain to double jeopardy in violation of the Constitution.

By specifically telling the local police they should not return Zimmerman’s gun, he was telling every American firearms owner he had the power and the intent to take their guns, too.



Investigate the race based malicious prosecution & civil rights violations towards George Zimmerman by the government


The Great Divider, Buck Ofama. Keeping his reputation going strong…

Barack Obama divides America with Trayvon Martin speech


Disprove? Oh hell yeah!!

Diving into oblivion is my wish for Buck Ofama!!

More Americans disapprove of Barack Obama than George Zimmerman, as new polls show the president’s job approval rating nosing further downward


BloomingIDIOTberg!! Wyoming! Detoilet! InJustice Department! Son of Ofama!

This idiot obviously has New York, NY in such good shape he can run around the country using tax money? His money? To push his unwanted policies and try to impose his will on others..


Colorado: Bloomberg’s Gun Control Bus Tour Pulls into Town


Nefarious, underhanded, sneaky ways those whom want to disarm us…Using the ‘children’ as usual and effing ‘educators’ behind it!!
Bad news all around..
And in Wyoming?

Local Wyoming Gun Control Scheme Targets Children’s Rights


Another activist, liberal judge using the bench not for Justice, but to get her way..

Detroit Judge Halts Bankruptcy Filing That Is ‘Not Honoring’ Obama: ‘I Know He’s Watching This’


The Department of InJustice and Racism.

Ignoring the Law and Constitutional Rights..

Were me I would find a way to find a gun…To hell with Eric ‘Obama’s Dick’ Holder!!

DOJ: Zimmerman Won’t Be Getting His Gun Back

Another ‘son’ of Buck Ofama

Toulouse shooting: little girl cornered in school and shot in head

And with attacks like these you wonder why Israel is so determined to defend itself.

And you wonder if Buck Ofama even cares!


Peaceful? Conspiracy? Bug Where? Slack Jawed!

Peaceful protests?

17 Peaceful Protesters Arrested After Mostly Peaceful Trayvon Temper Tantrum



Apparently someone needs to find a job and become a productive useful member of their community.

But that won’t happen as long as the Government keeps offering them free stuff.

And making shit up for these parasites to go whine about how bad they have it!!


Well lookee, lookee…

Spontaneous protests?

Trayvon Martin protest leaders revealed

Dream Defenders, the main group that has been agitating the protest movement surrounding the Trayvon Martin case, was spawned by activists employed by a who’s who of the race-hijacking radical left.

Really? Like who?

The group is made up of students and recent graduates from several Florida universities and is openly backed by SEIU, the ACLU and the Soros-supported Southern Poverty Law Center.

And they met with?

The small Community Relations Service at Eric Holder’s Justice Department facilitated a meeting between Dream Defenders and city officials that resulted in a Justice review of the police department.

Damn. Conspiracy? Oh hell yeah!!


Just love this stuff…Not…

Bugging Out Vs Sheltering In Place

I’m staying put. With my family.

If I have to run for my life? Why? What good will that do?

Nope..I’ll stay put.

thank you very much.

I’m old and ornery…

’nuff said.


Surprised she isn’t drooling on herself…slack jawed, droopy eyed as she looks..


Record. Cow! Channeling? Flag! Klobuchar! New Words! ‘Hoodie’ Sunday?

For the Record

“[Attorney General Eric] Holder’s minions, it is worth remembering, consulted with the NAACP before the Justice Department dropped the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case that the government had already won. … There would have been no Florida prosecution of Zimmerman absent the extortionate pressure brought to bear by Attorney General Eric Holder. We knew that even before learning last week that Justice’s ‘Community Relations Division’ (Alinsky-style rabble-rousing under the guise of ‘peacemaker’) colluded at taxpayer expense with the NAACP and other agitators to demand that charges be brought against Zimmerman — managing, in the process, to get Sanford police chief Bill Lee cashiered for daring to do his job faithfully, tune out the politics, and decline to arrest Zimmerman because the evidence didn’t support it. Recall that contemporaneous with the spring 2012 demonstrations against Zimmerman that the Justice Department abetted — and with President Obama’s nod-and-wink incitement that, if he had a son, the son would ‘look like Trayvon’ — Holder sped down to Florida. There, he sang the praises of race huckster extraordinaire Al Sharpton, joining Rev. No Justice, No Peace in calling for Zimmerman’s scalp. Holder’s M-O was to threaten a federal civil rights prosecution if Florida failed to act.” –former DoJ prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy


Racist? Pretty sure Sharpton, Jackson, Buck Ofama and Holder would find someway to claim racism and use it in their race war on whites!!

Cow crashes through roof, kills sleeping man

A 3000lb cow??


Channeling Pelosi? Or a virus that infects DemocRATS?

Sen. Reid: Confirm Obama nominees to find out who they are (Bonus: Promises to resign?)

Do politicians even try to think before speaking anymore?


How about they go to Mexico and burn their flag!?

Anti-Zimmerman Protesters Burn American Flag


Of course she does! She is a good little DemocRAT and follows orders!!

Klobuchar backs Senate filibuster reform


Buck Ofama’s new words….or something…

President Obama’s New American Vocabulary

Affordable Care Act: Mostly unaffordable, uncaring, and inactive.

Assault Weapon: Paint your .22 black and add a plastic handle.

Goes from there…


And next week they will go back to using their version of the Bible. One that leaves out G-d’s Word and substitutes what they want to hear!! A nice Bible..

Churches hold ‘Hoodie Sunday’


Why All the Effort To Protect…


I say trash away…

DOJ: If You Trash Muslims On Social Media, You May Be Violating Their Civil Rights (via

Editor’s Brief: The DOJ is now trying to tell us that exercising our first amendment rights will violate the civil rights of Muslims. Does that mean that when Obama trashes the Republicans, the Tea Party and the conservatives, that he is violating their civil rights too? Will Muslims on social media…

Continue reading

Gun Control! Scandals! A Gun! Monsanto Mercs!

“War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” –economist John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)


Chicago style. Works well and has for years. SO why change it? Lets try and spread it to all America so then we can all live in fear!!

Memorial Day weekend violence erupts across city of Chicago

And the hit parade of scandals keeps on rolling….rolling…rolling…

No end to scandals in sight for embattled Obama White House

If only one had a had a gun. Known how to use it. Then this scum sucking, mouth breathing, shitpile would not be alive today.

Man charged in Anchorage couple’s murder, sexual assault of 2-year-old

And you will hear nary a peep from anyone of the anti gun, anti freedom, anti personal rights  crowd. Because? A gun wasn’t used so no real victims.
This asshole deserves to be hung, by the balls, with a chain and have sand poured into his asshole until the chain breaks.
Yeah…Not very Christian of one whom professes to be.
Get over it.
Now that is one way to get rid of oppostion.
Corporate armies hunting those whom disagree.

Hey ACLU!! How About…

You blow it out your Butt!! Dipwads!


If you look closely at the picture above,
you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads. That’s because they’re praying. This incident took place at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday of the corps, and it has the ACLU up in arms. “These are federal
employees,” says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, “on federal property and on federal time.. For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion,
and we must nip this in the bud immediately.”
When asked about the ACLU’s charges, Colonel Jack Fessender, speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said
(cleaned up a bit),

“Screw the ACLU.”
GOD Bless Our Warriors.
Send the ACLU to Afghanistan!

ACLU is trying to remove GOD from everything and every
place in America May God Bless America , One Nation Under GOD!

Found here..

Pry Them! Crime Drop? Collapse! High Angle? Cop Where? IRS! Anti Hysterics! Truth!

“What is your preferred method for prying them (guns) from my cold dead hands?” “You’re probably not going to take my guns…..because I have guns” -Steven Colbert
Steven Colbert discussing gun control with Congresswoman Donna Edwards on the TV. Excellent.

It turns out that I’m watching a rerun which means you can see the clip here.


But the anti freedom, anti gun crowd said the streets would run red with blood? All those crazy taxpaying citizens with guns would lead to wild west shootouts and killins’ they said!! How can this be!!

Violent Crime Dropped Dramatically Over 20 Years, Latest U.S Justice Department Study Confirms

Around the world…

10 Scenes From The Economic Collapse That Is Sweeping Across The Planet


Well I never!! Had to do anything, well wait a minute….Maybe…

High Angle Rescue (?) in Paris


Well now this might be embarrassing…

FDNY rescues one up a tree. Not a cat, but a cop trying to get one.


IRS says it won’t play nice? Whom the hell runs this organization? Dammit these goons need to be held accountable and those refusing need to be fired, tried, convicted and put into some prison’s general population!!

Damn out of control Government Agencies!!

IRS Won’t Say If It Will Comply With Congressional Demand for All Communications and Names Involved in Discriminating Against Tea Party Groups


They best be careful!! Buck Ofama may fire them as his PR Firms they keep this up!!

Obama’s Benghazi Claims Branded As LIES By BOTH Politifact AND WAPO Fact-Checker


Found at Weerd’s World. Hysterical Anti Gun Advocate and all around witch, Joan Peterson…Of I hate to say it, Minnesota…Is being shown how much smarter the dirt/concrete/flooring she stands on is much brighter then she…

Go read it..Sometimes is sad to see how meaningless some arguments are…

Images of the Antis


Does Buck Ofama even now what reality is anymore? Let alone the truth?

Obama Pants on Fire re Benghazi


4th. Hostile. Nullify. Soda. Race Baiting. Resistance to Tyranny. Plan ‘B’.

“A Constitution is not the act of a Government, but of a people constituting a government, and a government without a constitution is a power without right.”

Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791


Federal Appeals Court Upholds Practice of Mass Student Searches & Random Lockdowns by Police & Drug-Sniffing Dogs in Missouri High School In a ruling issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in Burlison v. Springfield Public Schools, the court deemed a Missouri school districtís policy of imposing a ìlockdownî of the school for the purpose of allowing the local sheriffís department, aided by drug-sniffing dogs, to perform mass inspections of studentsí belongings to be a ìreasonable procedure to maintain the safety and security of students at the school,î and not a violation of the Fourth Amendment rights of students.

Read More…


Another hostile to the American‘s appointment by Buck Ofama

Obama to nominate alleged radical as Labor secretary, say opponents
President Barack Obama plans to nominate Thomas Perez, an assistant attorney general for Justice Departmentís Civil Rights Division, to become the new secretary of Labor, according to The Hill on Saturday. But several Justice Department co-workers and citizens groups believe Perez is a radical leftist with his own political agenda.

Read More…


2 State Houses vote to Nullify Federal Gun Laws

Idaho House votes 55-13

Utah House votes 49-17


Bloomberg’s 16 ounce enforcement shows ignorance about measurements

New York City’s ban on select beverages larger than 16 ounces struck many of us as a progressive nanny state running its due course. It was a senseless blow to liberty, expanding government in a pointless way, that also happened to affect less-wealthy New Yorkers disproportionately.

But as the city turns toward enforcement of the ban, which a court threw out yesterday only to see New York promptly appeal the ruling, new developments in city government point to a disturbing revelation: New York City’s health department knows nothing about science, about testing, or about how to use calibrated instrumentation to make accurate measurements in restaurants.

In expanding the nanny state, Mike Bloomberg reveals New Yorkers probably aren’t very safe under its growing umbrella.

. . . please click here for the rest of the post →

And like Buck Ofama, another spoilt ‘brat’ who gets a pissy when when he does not get his way, Nanny Bloomberg throws a fit…

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the city plans to appeal, calling the ruling “clearly an error.”

“If we are serious about fighting obesity then we have to be honest about it and courageous about tackling it,” Bloomberg said. “We believe it is reasonable and responsible to draw a line.”


Race Baiter Alert: R. Simmons – “Black people ain’t got no time for the NRA”

Race Baiter Alert: R. Simmons – “Black people ain’t got no time for the NRA”

Because, like they, only let us arm ourselves!!!

Colion Noir, a young African American who is conservative and pro-gun, is the National Rifle Association’s newest spokesman, but apparently this has proven too much for rap and entertainment mogul Russell Simmons. After …



Number Of Gun Makers Refusing Sales To Government Triples In Two Weeks

Wilson Combat, a custom pistol manufacturer located in Berryville, Arkansas, joined the movement on February 28 stating the following: “Wilson Combat will no longer provide any products or services to any State Government …



Plan B: Taxing to Death the Firearms Industry

If you can’t ban it, tax it into being unattainable. As efforts to reinstate a federal ban on modern sporting rifles at the federal level fail to gain traction, lawmakers on Capitol Hill are looking for another option to get … Continue reading →