Looks like we’re making some headway…..

Pro-gun Senators are emboldened to fight for 2A Rights!

To recap:  Democrats like Charles Schumer and Dianne Feinstein are teaming up with sell-out Republicans to enact a package which we call “The Second Amendment Infringement Act of 2018.”

That could be enacted as one bill or three bills, but it contains all of the elements for politicians who want to effectively repeal the Second Amendment, but don’t have the 3/4 of the states to change the Constitution. (See the accompanying chart.)

But as I suggested above, our grassroots support is emboldening pro-gun Senators on the Hill.  According to the article that I cited earlier:

An attempt to bring up that bill with dispatch failed when Sen. Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, blocked a bid by GOP leadership to pass it without debate.

Kudos to Senator Lee and the several other pro-gun Senators who are backing him!

Now that the Senate is in recess for the rest of the week, it’s important to shift gears briefly and bombard the House with phone calls and emails.

Because remember, whatever gets passed in the Senate will get thrown back to the lower chamber.

Representatives will play a key role in battling gun control

The House took action last year, when congressmen passed a combo-bill combining “Fix NICS” with reciprocity.

GOA heartily supported the concealed carry portion, but strenuously opposed the “Fix NICS” part of the bill.

Having said that, the House leadership at that time promised their fellow members and us that, if “Fix NICS” came back from the Senate without reciprocity, it would not be considered.

Not only that, several dozen congressmen signed a letter authored by Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC) which reiterated the same point.

The letter was a terse message to the Senate, telling them that any “gun legislation” that comes back to the House, MUST HAVE CONCEALED CARRY REICPROCITY.

If the House sticks to its guns, so to speak, it will make it very difficult for Congress to pass the “Second Amendment Infringement Act.”

The reason is that Senate Democrats like Chuck Schumer have not been willing to give an inch in his demand for gun control — and nothing but gun control.

Some congressmen are beginning to wet their pants

GOA is hearing that some congressmen are already beginning to waver. Of course, we’ve been focusing our attention on the immediate battle — in the Senate.

So House members really haven’t been hearing from GOA members all that much … at least, not yet.

This is why we need to buck up the members of the House — especially Republicans.


Survey: Americans Blame School Shooting on Government, Not Guns

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows that Americans blame government rather than guns for the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

According to Rasmussen, 54% of Americans believe government failure is to “blame for the mass shooting.” Only 33% of Americans blame guns. Eleven percent of Americans say they are unsure what contributed to the occurrence of the mass shooting.

via Survey: Americans Blame School Shooting on Government, Not Guns | Breitbart

CNN ‘Expert’ Is Clueless…


By this point, I don’t expect intelligent analysis by so-called experts over at CNN. Over recent years, the network has produced many facepalm moments as their pundits say really, well, stupid things. The latest comes from CNN’s Tom Fuentes.

You see, Fuentes seems to think fashion is a valid argument to make against allowing teachers to carry firearms.

Yes, he actually went there.

First, allow me to point out just how sexist a thought that is. No, not the thinking that women still wear skirts or dresses. Plenty of women still do, of course. No, the sexism is thinking women are too stupid to adjust their clothing choices accordingly if they’re going to carry a firearm.

via CNN Analyst Thinks Women Can’t Carry Because They Don’t Wear Pants

The Judas Test….

The Judas Test

February 28

If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were raising himself against me, I could hide from him. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship as we walked with the throng at the house of God” (Ps. 55:12-14).

Betrayal is one of the most difficult tests that we will ever face because it involves being wounded by someone we trust. It’s hard not to become bitter when a friend or family member wounds us. It takes a lot of Christ-like grace to forgive a traitor.

You have probably faced the Judas Test yourself. Everyday you and I work in a marketplace that is rife with betrayal, deception, duplicity, and treachery. Perhaps you have been betrayed by your boss or a coworker. Or perhaps somebody betrayed a confidence or stabbed you in the back. It may have even been someone you’ve gone to church with or prayed with – someone you trusted as a brother in Christ.

The Judas kiss stings worse than a slap across the face. Almost every leader I know has experienced that sting at one time or another. Yet God is watching to see how we respond to the Judas Test. If we pass the test, He can then take us to the next level, the next test. If we fail, we’ll probably have to repeat the test until we learn to forgive.

The Judas Test is God’s graduate level course in faith, designed to reveal the truth about ourselves: Are we willing to trust Him enough to forgive the Judases in our lives? The book of Hebrews warns, “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many” (Heb 12:15). When we refuse to forgive we risk infecting others with a “bitter root” of resentment.

via Today God is First Daily Devotional, Os Hillman, Work, Christian Business Leaders

Lop-sided Christians…..

February 28
Lop-sided Christians
For reading & meditation: Philippians 4:2-9
“‘ if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (v.8)

We continue to look at the dramatic change in the life of the psalmist when he entered into the sanctuary. It is important to realise that it was not merely the physical act of entering the sanctuary that brought about change. That was important, but something else happened that was even more important. Listen again to how he puts it: “[When] I entered the sanctuary ‘ then I understood their final destiny” (Psa. 73:17). The word to note is “understood”. In the presence of God the psalmist was given clear understanding. This is an extremely important point and one which cannot be emphasised too strongly: what he found in the sanctuary was not merely a nice feeling but a new understanding. He was put right in his thinking. He did not merely forget his problem for a little while – he found a solution. The idea that many Christians have of the house of God or Christian fellowship is that it is a good place to go in order to forget one’s troubles for a while. They are soothed by the music and the singing, or perhaps, in some churches, by the beauty of the architecture, and they come away saying, “What a lovely feeling I get whenever I go to church.” There is nothing wrong with that as far as it goes, of course, but the real issue is this: has anything happened to their minds? The psalmist was not changed by the architecture of the Temple; he was changed when his thinking was put right: “Then I understood their final destiny.” If the practice of our faith does nothing more than excite our emotions and fails to give us a better understanding of God and His ways, then we will be lop-sided Christians.
O Father, save me from becoming a lop-sided Christian. Give me not only joy to thrill my emotions but understanding to guide my intellect. In Jesus’ Name I ask it. Amen.

For further study:
Psalms 48:1-9; 1 Samuel 12:24
1. What did the psalmist meditate on in the Temple?
2. What are we to consider?

via Everyday Light Daily Devotional from Selwyn Hughes, Christian Bible Devotions

Gun News……

Broward County sheriff received at least 45 calls about Florida shooter’s family, not 23: Report external site
The Broward County Sheriff’s Office received at least 45 warning calls about Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz and his family over the last decade, not the 23 calls the office claims it received. CNN reported early Tuesday that records it got from the sheriff’s office showed at least 45 interactions from 2008 to 2017 about Cruz or his brother. Some of those warnings said Cruz could be a threat to the school he shot up on Feb. 14.
Most House Democrats get behind effort for new semi-auto ban external site
A supermajority of House Democrats — 156 members of the 193-member conference — have signed on to a new bill that would restore and build on the expired ban on “assault weapons.”
House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of ALL semi-automatic weapons external site
House Democrats have introduced a bill banning semi-automatic firearms in the wake of the Feb. 14 shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla. The bill prohibits the “sale, transfer, production, and importation” of semi-automatic rifles and pistols that can hold a detachable magazine, as well as semi-automatic rifles with a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds. Additionally, the legislation bans the sale, transfer, production, and importation of semi-automatic shotguns with features such as a pistol grip or detachable stock, and ammunition feeding devices that can hold more than 10 rounds.