Gun Bits …

Illegal Aliens accounted for by far the largest category of illegally purchased gun

So who tries to buy guns illegally through NICS checks? These numbers should be used cautiously as they include cases that were dropped in the initial BATF review of NICS denials, still they raise some troubling problems. Illegal aliens account for by far the most common reason for denial…
Boulder residents are standing firm on not complying with the city’s ban on assault weapons: Boulder’s newly enacted “assault weapons” ban is meeting with stiff resistance from its “gun-toting hippies,” staunch liberals who also happen to be devoted firearms owners. That’s great. Why don’t you try to send……..
Florida formed a study committee after 17 students and teachers were killed and an additional 17 were injured at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in early 2018. I read some of the MSDHS safety commission report…..
It all started here, with a tweet from Martha MacCallum sharing findings from the Parkland shooting commission and announcing that Dana Loesch would be joining her to discuss. Notice the commission found that arming some highly………

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