
Ponder these..

American writer H. L. Mencken (1880-1956): “When a new source of taxation is found it never means, in practice, that an old source is abandoned. It merely means that the politicians have two ways of milking the taxpayer where they had only one before.”

Economist Thomas Sowell: “While there have been all too many lies told in politics, most have some little tiny fraction of truth in them, to make them seem plausible. But the ‘trickle-down [economics]’ lie is 100 percent lie. It should win the contest both because of its purity — no contaminating speck of truth — and because of how many people have repeated it over the years, without any evidence being asked for or given.”

Fred Thompson: “NBC’s chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman, proudly declared that she had forced her own kids to sign up for Obamacare as their ‘patriotic duty.’ Remember back when patriotism meant protecting people’s right not to be forced?”

Comedian Jay Leno: “MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry has apologized for making fun of one of Mitt Romney’s grandchildren. She said that from now on before she goes on the air she’ll remind herself that some people may actually be watching MSNBC.”


You want me to…

Swallow what?

Oh hell no!!


Obama will what?

Stay in Washington?

And remain ‘pResident’?

Well he will need a place to stay..

According to ‘rumors’ Mooch is..

Booting his lame ass..


How can a federal ‘agency’ that really has no reason to exist..

Over ride congress?

‘splain that one!!!


We call her Mooch..

And there is a reason..


Apparently the jackbooted thugs of the Federal Government..

Are meeting some resistance and outright hostility..



Don’t want us ‘exercising’ our rights do they?

That is why we have ‘concealed’ carry.

Whom would be dumb enough to walk into the cesspools that are City Halls and such, unarmed with all the crooks and whatnot you find there?


Media BiASS!!!



Leno Tougher on How President ‘Lied’ About ObamaCare Than NBC Reporters

On Tuesday’s NBC Tonight Show, host Jay Leno provided harsher criticism of President Obama falsely claiming that Americans could keep their current health insurance plans under ObamaCare than any of the network’s reporters. Leno told the audience: “Well, it’s being reported that the President has known for three years that people would lose their coverage. The press is now saying the President lied.”  Leno setup a mock defense of Obama: “But today the White House said that’s not true. He did not lie. And they released this tape from three years ago to prove it. Here’s what he said three years ago.” A comically dubbed-over soundbite followed of Obama saying people “cannot” keep their doctors and health insurance.

Chris Matthews Compares Ted Cruz to Cinematic Child Murderer ‘Freddy Krueger’

Apparently, a lot of conservatives remind Chris Matthews of the scarred and burned child murderer from the Nightmare on Elm Street films. On Tuesday, the Hardball anchor linked Republican Ted Cruz to the cinematic killer. He opened the program by spewing, “Is Ted Cruz the Republican Freddy Krueger?” According to Matthews, the Texas senator is a “grotesquerie that now presents itself as the righteous right arm of the Republican Party.” Using Halloween imagery, the host attributed all of the GOP’s woes to Cruz, slamming him as “this frightening Freddy Krueger that threatens this country with relentless shutdowns and credit defaults.”

Amid ObamaCare Disaster, NBC’s Todd Insists GOP ‘Has No Interest in Governing’

While discussing the numerous ObamaCare failures on Wednesday’s NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd felt it necessary to gratuitously bash Republicans: “And suddenly you have the picture of two parties, a Democratic Party led by the President that apparently doesn’t know how to govern, has a competency issue when it comes to this health care website, juxtaposed next to a Republican Party who apparently has no interest in governing.”  Todd didn’t bother to explain or justify his slam on the GOP, he simply stated it as if it were a fact.

ABC Wakes Up to ObamaCare ‘Lie,’ But Knocks Americans’ ‘Cheap, Underperforming’ Plans

The journalists at Good Morning America on Wednesday conceded that Barack Obama may have “misled the public” on the health care law, that “some call it a lie.” But at the same time, reporter Jim Avila helpfully told viewers that Americans would be only be losing “cheap, underperforming insurance.” [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Anchor George Stephanopoulos introduced the story on Kathleen Sebelius’s testimony before Congress as the “latest firestorm over ObamaCare.” The co-host revealed, “All this is happening as we learn of a new report from inside the administration that warned these website problems were coming.” Avila related that the Health and Human Services Secretary will blame the disastrous launch of “contractors who built the site” and take “none of the” responsibility. The journalist explained, “A document posted overnight by a congressional committee shows that the main contractor did warn the government more testing was needed before launch.”

John Dickerson: ‘HealthCare.gov Launched With The…Success of a North Korean Missile’

John Dickerson didn’t mince words about the “bad launch” of ObamaCare in his Tuesday item for Slate.com. The CBS News political director invoked one of deceased tyrant Kim Jong il’s most infamous saber-rattling tactics: “Healthcare.gov launched with the fanfare and success of a North Korean missile.” Dickerson also rephrased his recent contention that “the administration could get into, sort of, a credibility death spiral” on the issue of ObamaCare. He stated that “when the website doesn’t work and the promises of 2009 and 2010 are revised, questions of credibility infect everything the administration says. This can lead to a death spiral as administration officials make bold assertions to distract from the current challenges.”

  Charlie Rose to Cheney: Would You Have Seen Iraq Differently If You Had More Oxygen to Your Brain?

On Tuesday’s Charlie Rose show, former Vice President Dick Cheney came on to promote his new book about surviving heart disease and was treated to a nasty swipe from the host about his Iraq war decision making. When Cheney told the PBS host and co-anchor of CBS’s This Morning that he had wished he had gotten his heart transplant done sooner, Rose took a swing, meant as a joke: “Might you have seen Iraq differently if we had more oxygen to your brain?” Cheney laughed off the cheap shot.

WTH?? Gun Control? Erotica! IRS and AR15s? Rednecks? Cover up! Persecution!

Is the matter with Texas?

This is bullcrap!!

The Principal should be deep sixed and given a job as a janitor at Wall – Mart, at best…



And this surprises who?

Did they actually think gun owners and liberty loving Americans would sit back while they trampled the last and only Right we have to remain free?

Dhimmicraps…A special kind of idiot!!! A middle finger salute is all you deserve!!


But of course Buck Obama supports the wrong side gain…Libya, Egypt, Tunisa, the list goes on and on and on..


Of course she has no experience…Probably a donor to the Buck Ofama charade. Hell Buck Ofama had no experience and still does not!!

So why would anyone be overly surprised to see this, She reads erotica outloud!?

His whole damn administration is filled with assOs…


Well I guess we need to ramp up our training..Of course ammo could be a concern!

But IRS agents training with AR15s?

Seems a bit much…Or are they training all Government employees to harass Americans more so then they do already?


This what should happen all the time…To Feds. State and most if not all politicians.

Time real Americans get busy and let them know..

Mad as hell does not cover it anymore…Rednecks? Oh hell no! Americans!!!

The Feds came to talk down to them since they are considered rednecks. Those rural white people who are not politically correct are called rednecks. Rednecks are the only under-class who have no protection or advocacy. They are the only group that can be mocked, ridiculed and made the butt of jokes. The worst of the ghetto blacks are forbidden to be called the equivalent of redneck, the N word. There is no RN word. Nope, they are rednecks, trailer trash, crackers, white trash and worse.

I mean who the hell pays the bills? Certainly not those clamoring for free handouts!!

Cover up…Using a Government agency to investigate a government agency…Hell why bother??


No wonder Mueller couldn’t answer a single question on it today. There is no evidence that the FBI has contacted a single tea party group in its criminal investigation of the Internal Revenue Service, according to the groups the IRS abused. “We have not been contacted by any federal investigative agency and, to date, none of our clients have been contacted or interviewed by the FBI,” Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice told The Daily Caller on Thursday. The ACLJ has filed suit against the IRS on behalf of 25 conservative groups, with additional groups being added in the next couple weeks, according to a spokesman. “I have been very surprised that I have not heard from anybody and frankly, none of my clients have. I talk to other tea party leaders on a regular basis,” said Cleta Mitchell, the lawyer largely credited with pushing the IRS abuses to the forefront. “It’s been a month and I can’t see any evidence of an investigation of the IRS,” Mitchell told TheDC Thursday. She represents nine tea party groups targeted by the IRS. Tea Party Patriots — a group with thousands of local chapters — “has not been contacted by the FBI” either, according to Jameson Cunningham, the group’s spokesman.


This is Freedom?

This is America?

Sure as hell does not appear to be either!!

This is persecution and fail!!!


Eviscerates? Censored! Battle For Mayberry! Fail in Florida!

One wishes Buck Ofama would be eviscerated!

Jay Leno Eviscerates ‘Snoop Obama’ in Monologue


Censored…Can’t have them know what is happening to the folks back home now can we?

Military told not to read Obama-scandal news


Read! Am currently reading this on my Kindle app for my tablet.

Battle For Mayberry!

Is good. Makes one think how close Big Government and the National Media really are. And what they really think of those hillbilly hicks in small town fly over country…

And what really pisses us ‘hicks’ off!!!



Florida Governor Suspends Sheriff For Standing Up For 2nd Amendment




President Barack Obama was in the Oval Office when his telephone rang.”Hello, President Obama” a heavily accented southern voice said. “This is Jimmy Boy, down here at Bump’s Catfish Shack, inVicksburg , and I am callin’ to tell ya’ll that we are officially declaring war on y’all!”
“Well Jimmy Boy,” Barack replied, “This is indeed important news! How big is your army?”
“Right now,” said Jimmy Boy, after a moments calculation “there is myself, my cousin Tom, my next-door-neighbor and brother Gerald, and the whole dart team from JD‘s Bait Shop. That makes eight or maybe nine depending if Bump can close the store.
Barack paused. “I must tell you Jimmy Boy that I have one million men in my army waiting to move on my command.”
“Wow,” said Jimmy Boy. “I’ll have to call ya back!”
Sure enough, the next day, Jimmy Boy called again. “Mr. Obama, the war is still on! We have managed to acquire some infantry equipment!”
“And what equipment would that be Jimmy Boy?” Barack asked.
“Well sir, we have two combines, a bulldozer, and my brother Mike’s farm tractor.”
President Obama sighed. “I must tell you Jimmy Boy, that I have 16,000 tanks and 14,000 armored personnel carriers. Also I’ve increased my army to one and a half million since we last spoke.”
“Lord above”, said Jimmy Boy, “I’ll be getting back to ya.”
Sure enough, Jimmy Boy called again the next day. “President Obama! I am sorry to have to tell you that we have had to call off this here war.”
“I’m sorry to hear that” said Barack. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

Well, sir,” said Jimmy Boy, “we’ve all sat ourselves down and had a long chat over sweet tea, catfish, greens and pie and come to realize that there’s just no way we can feed that many prisoners.”

Stolen, shamelessly, Here!!