Gun Bits …

“Emergency restrictions”?


Coronavirus: Some States have stopped issuing Concealed Handgun Permits


Blue helmets at your door anyone?

Henry Kissinger calls for Global NWO government: ‘Even US can’t defeat COVID-19 alone’

Would that be a target rich environment?


Did 1 in 20 of American Households Purchase a Gun in Response to COVID-19?


Why Some Corporations Look Down On Your Freedom


No it should not..

This Crisis Should Not Be An Opportunity to Leave Americans Helpless


Safety and security….

Why Owning A Gun Is A Completely Rational Insurance Policy Against Danger


I has a couple of Mosins…Maybe..

Gratuitous Gun Pic: Last-Ditch Rifles


Again….Why you should own a gun…Multiple preferably, with ammo..Lots..

WHO Doctor Suggests Door-to-Door Searches To Find Sick and Then ‘Remove Them and Isolate Them’





2 thoughts on “Gun Bits …

  1. Glenda T. Goode April 8, 2020 / 8:33 am

    There are very few absolutes in life. One is you will die someday. It is unavoidable. Another is that if you live in a society you will have to encounter other individuals who you will not know or trust. If you have a family or anything to lose (everybody does have something to lose=their lives) you will want to have some means of preventing others; people, groups, or government for that matter; from taking your valuables.

    A firearm is a tool. It is a tool that possesses an absolute aspect. If used it can achieve an absolute goal. The mere threat of using a firearm implies the absolute.

    Those who understand the nature of life and the essential equation of absolutes understand that a firearm is a way to prevent your valuables from being taken.

    Any government that seeks to take away a firearm from a law abiding citizen is denying them their ability to protect their valuables and since no government can provide safety without denying civil rights, you cannot live in a free society and be protected by the government.

    It is up to the citizen to have the means of protecting themselves. Oddly enough this epidemic has driven the otherwise anti conservative left into the gun stores to buy a gun because of this reality.

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