Quick Bits …

Where is the outrage???

22 a day, we have to work together to end Veteran suicides

About that defunding the police…



Not working to well is it??

Good question!!

De Bloviate…

NYC Mayor De Blasio Says AntiFa-BLM-RevCom ‘Protestors’ Can Continue While Canceling All Other Large Events Through September

Common sense??

Biden Announces His “Common Sense” Gun Reform Plan – and it is Worse Than You Think!

Buy Goya…

Goya Foods CEO: US ‘Blessed’ to Have a Leader Like President Trump

Good..They should be..

Gun Sales Scare the Anti-Gun Elite


Ridiculous …

They are the militant arm of the Democratic party …

Liberals Race to Defend Antifa After Trump Declares They Are a Terror Organization

And from the Clown News Network …

CNN Host Don Lemon Bald Faced Lies to Viewers, Claims Trump Hasn’t Called for Peace Amid Riots

And more crap from a Lemon..

Dictator Trump Is ‘Declaring War On Americans,’ Says CNN Host Don Lemon

And the law abiding citizens whom owned and worked at the businesses looted and torched by these ‘rioters’ were not?

Jihad-Rep Omar: Minneapolis Rioters Were ‘Terrorized’ by National Guard and Police


Ilhan Omar Accuses Trump of Glorifying Violence

With George Stepsalotinit….Liberal wag..

Title says it all, although is a disgrace to ‘Loons’!

Far Left Loon Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shares ‘Protesting Safely’ Guidelines, Warns of ‘White Supremacist’ Infiltration

De Bloviate runs while ‘protesters’ help themselves..

NYC: Riots, Looting Macy’s, Nordstroms, Luxury Shops, While Mayor De Blasio Runs Away From Approaching Riot Mob in Midtown

The Sack of Gotham

I may have listed this before.

But I cannot see any reason some of these animals should not have been shot..

Violent Rioters Burned Home With Kids Inside, Then Blocked Fire Fighters From Getting In

I find nothing worthwhile coming for this Fauxnews idiot …Conceited asshole spouting garbage…

Tucker Carlson hammers Trump, Pence, Haley for their lame riot responses


NSA! Smile!! Bloomberg. Deal?

Got Windows? The ones on your Computer! Not the ones in your house!!

NSA is looking at you apparently!!

Linux…Switch to it!

NSA has total access via Microsoft Windows


Yep..make a nice smile for the pretty Feds..


Smile! FBI scanning driver’s license images


Crooked asswipe…

Mayor Bloomberg BUSTED… Using Taxpayer Money to Fund Mayors Against Illegal Guns

More Bloomberg..Using tax dollars to further his anti Freedom, anti Constitution, anti Rights agenda!!

Michael Bloomberg gun control group site registered to NYC


Worked so well with Obamacare, lets try it again!!!

Screwing America, one Bill/Deal at a time!!

Latest “Deal” from the Senate: Pass Amnesty First, Read the Bill Later

Build It!!


Help get a new gun range built in the Twin Cities!

If you live in the Twin Cities, you know how busy the small number of indoor ranges get, and how long you have to wait for a lane on a winter Saturday.

(And if you’re in Greater Minnesota, lend the city folks a hand anyway!)

A local, familiy-owned business is working to build a new gun store and range in Osseo (map), a suburb (near Maple Grove and Brooklyn Park) the northwest metro. Chris and Jeanine Willliamson have been FFLs for years, and are looking to expand their family business to meet this need.

Of course, some people will oppose anything to do with firearms.

We need to show the Osseo City Council that there is strong local support for this business, at that it will attract people and dollars into the Osseo community.

What you can do:

Go to Osseo tonight:

Please attend the Conditional Use Permit meeting TONIGHT in Osseo:

If possible, arrive by 6 p.m., but get there whenever you can. Please be neatly dressed and polite! This isn’t a protest, but a show of calm support! We recommend AGAINST open carry for this event.
Monday, June 17
June 17, 2013, 7 p.m.
Osseo City Hall (map)
415 Central Ave
Osseo, MN 55369

Call and email the City Council:

Please be very polite and friendly, and tell them IN YOUR OWN WORDS that you support a new gun store and range, and that you would visit Osseo and spend money there, both at the range and at local businesses such as gas stations and restaurants.

Mayor Duane Poppe, term expires 12/31/14
Phone: 612.359.1606 – Email:  dpoppe@ci.osseo.mn.us

Council member Allan Hartkopf, term expires 12/31/14
Phone: 763.425.2929 – Email:  ahartkopf@ci.osseo.mn.us

Council member Bonnie Heinen, term expires 12/31/16
Phone: 763.425.3310 – Email:  bheinen@ci.osseo.mn.us

Council member Mark Schulz, term expires 12/31/16
Phone: 763.425.7457 – Email:  mschulz@ci.osseo.mn.us

Council member Rick Weber, term expires 12/31/14
Phone: 763.424.6122 – Email:  rweber@ci.osseo.mn.us

More info:


Osseo Public Planning Commission
Conditional use permit needed for 14-20 lane gun range and retail sales, gunsmithing, and gun safety classroom space. Potential locations being considered include: old senior center site; Block 22, the old NRG Dance Studio and the old Advantage Stone and Brick Supply site were all being considered.
The proposal will be voted on by the planning commission that evening, then passed to the Osseo City Council for a vote on June 24.

Battling Bloomberg’s assaults against our gun rights



Gun Owners of America Fighting to Preserve Liberty
Battling Bloomberg’s assaults against our gun rights
Ninety-seven percent of Americans don’t live in New York City, don’t want to live in N.Y.C. and certainly don’t want a New York City mayor telling them how to live their lives,” said Erich Pratt, Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America. — New York Times, May 30, 2013
Gun Owners of America continues to battle New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is spending millions of his dollars trying to bring big city gun control to the rest of the nation.
We beat him in the U.S. Senate — for now — but his minions are still active across the country, trying to get various state legislatures to impose gun control and restrict your Second Amendment rights.
It can seem depressing when you listen to the media, hearing all the states that are pressing for more gun control in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting.  But what they don’t tell you is that there are EVEN MORE states that are loosening restrictions on firearms.
Well, GOA has been involved in several of these fights, and we continue to be involved at the federal level as well.  Here are just some of the ongoing, recent fights where GOA has played a role:
* GOA opposing backdoor gun control efforts at HHS.  GOA alerted you last month to how the Obama administration is trying to make an end-around Congress, implementing regulations to take away people’s guns.
The “see a shrink, lose your guns” regulations published by Health and Human Services would expand the abusive practices that have disarmed 165,000 military veterans, and apply it to average citizens, as well.
You can read GOA’s comments here.  And if you want to submit your own comments, you can go here to do so.  Comments must be submitted on or before Friday, June 7.
* GOA pushing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to appoint a pro-gun replacement in the U.S. Senate.  In case you missed the news, the notoriously anti-gun Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) died earlier this week.  So GOA is rallying the troops in the Garden State to press Governor Christie to appoint a pro-gun interim — a move that could very well stall gun control efforts in the U.S. Senate for several months.
* GOA lobbying Alaska and Missouri governors to sign nullification bills.  Legislators in both states have sent bills to their respective governors which would prevent any official in the state from enforcing federal gun control laws.
In Missouri, Governor Jay Nixon has until today (June 6) to veto HB 436, or else the nullification bill becomes law in the Show Me State.
In Alaska, GOA is expectant that Governor Sean Parnell will sign House Bill 69 — which, in addition to the nullification provisions mentioned above, would prohibit the federal government from regulating firearms made and possessed wholly within the state of Alaska.
* GOA presents freedom awards to sheriffs championing nullification.  Speaking to scores of sheriffs at a conference in Missouri last Friday, GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt awarded two outstanding sheriffs with freedom awards.
The “High Noon Award” was presented to Wisconsin’s Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr., for “standing for truth when others run, for telling the truth even though politically incorrect.”
And Sheriff Denny Peyman of Jackson County, Kentucky was presented with the “Nullifier of the Year” award by GOA for promising to not enforce any gun law that violates the Kentucky or U.S. Constitutions.
* GOA assists efforts in CO to recall anti-gun Senate President.  Democrat Colorado legislators used the Sandy Hook shooting as an excuse for imposing greater gun restrictions in March.  Since then, there has been a grassroots effort to hold Senate President John Morse (D) accountable — an effort which GOA has aided.
While the deadline for collecting signatures was June 3, activists were able to collect more than double the number that was needed to force a recall election.  Once the signatures are certified by the Secretary of the State, then the Governor will set a date and time for the recall which will most likely take place in September.
Firearms Manufacturers Offered Rent-Free Land in Missouri
While many gun companies are now leaving Colorado because of their betrayal on gun rights, John Negri has set forth an offer that gun manufacturers may not be able to refuse.
Speaking on “America’s Voice Now” — Missouri radio program hosted by GOA member Michael Evans — Negri is making three parcels of land available at a no-charge lease for 20 years.
Negri is extending the invitation to gun manufacturers or distributors that have publicly announced they’re leaving their current state because of restrictive firearms regulations.
Interested parties, firearms manufacturers, accessory makers and distributors can contact Michael Evans at mevans@AmericasVoiceNow.org or call 417-372-0686 for more information or to obtain a package outlining the parcels available and their respective benefits and features.


The Stupid! Nanny State! More Stupid! Scandal! FBI? UN. Gorebull Warming!

The stupid that is our Public Schools today..Thankfully my Son is DONE!

Are schools not supposed to be ‘teaching’? No wonder we lag behind the rest of the world in Education standards!!

Nebraska School Says Deaf Boy’s Name Sign Is Too Similar to ‘Gun’


The Left Coast State of Oregon…Proves being a Nanny is not exclusive to Bloomberg‘s version of Utopia in NYC!

Oregon Legislature Bans Smoking In Cars With Minors Present


Bring a toy gun to a gun fight!!

You lose..

One Teen Dead, Another In Jail After Attempting to Rob Man With Airsoft Gun


Scandal after scandal…Maybe if Buck Ofama actually did his job instead of golfing, vacationing, fund raising and campaigning…

EPA accused of singling out conservative groups, amid IRS scandal

“The FBI is rewriting history in order to help al-Qaida,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “This shows that the law enforcement agency is in need of serious top-to-bottom reform.”
Such Bullcrap from the Federal Government. Top to bottom change is needed!!! Expert my ass…Propaganda goon is more apt!!

FBI expert: Quran is ‘revealed word of God’


This is how dictators, thugs, criminals and narcissistic assO named Buck Ofama operate like this!!

UN Small Arms Treaty May Be Signed Under Cover Of Darkness


Snapping! Voluntary? Immigration. Warning. Elusive!

I’ve wondered about this…

Americans ‘snapping’ by the millions


Voluntary? Looks like breaking and entering with assault!!

No Warrant, No Entry


If Sandy Hook was about gun control the Boston Marathon bombing should be about immigration reform


Really? Shocker!

ABC Poll: Americans Believe Guns Make Homes Safer

By a margin of 51 to 29, Americans believe having a gun in the house makes the house safer.When the question was asked to those with guns in their houses, the affirmative response jumped to 75.



Believe what you want. I know what I believe!!

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

The Fool Says, ‘There is no God’


Well I know I do!!!

Americans Want More Guns!


I find this entertaining since the recent mass shootings in America are done by…Democrats…and the lameass media says..chirp…chirp…..chirp…

Hunt for the elusive Tea Party murderer continues

Liberal hopes were dashed with the revelation that the Boston Marathon bombers were a couple of Chechen Muslim immigrants.  The Left was so sure they had finally bagged the elusive Tea Party murderer!  The bombings occurred in Boston on Tax Day.  Surely, at long last, the opportunity to smear libertarians, small-government conservatives, anti-tax crusaders, and the whole hellish tri-corner hat crowd was at hand!  ”Two plus two equals…?” Michael Moore burbled happily, retreating back into his copious shell of sub-human idiocy when the answer turned out to be “Islam.”

That’s how the junior member of the bombing team, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, explained his “outlook” on an Internet profile.  Family and friends talk of the brothers growing more intensely involved in the stricter aspects of their religion over the past few years.  The older brother, Tamerlan – named after a brutal Islamic conqueror from centuries past – seems to have led the way, with Dzhokar trotting after him like a “puppy.”  Somewhere along the way, they became radicalized – a process that will be of great interest to investigators in the weeks ahead.

. . . please click here for the rest of the post →

Obamaland! Wants? Education Fail!! Big Lie! Disarm? Dogs?

“The natural cure for an ill-administration … is a change of men.” —Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 21


It is Wonderland!!

Alice In Obamaland


He may want it. But he may be in for a big damn surprise no matter what type of Constitution shredding bullshit he and his lackeys in the Senate and Congress pass..

It will be Molon Labe!!

Forensic profiler: Obama wants ‘total gun control’


Why education today, Public Education ….. FAILS!!

Compliance is what they want…

Dad Furious After Finding This Crayon-Written Paper in Florida 4th-Grader’s Backpack: ‘I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights…to Be Safer’


The BIG Lie

“We haven’t had a very collective notion that these are our children. … [W]e have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to their communities. Once it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the households, then we start making better investments.” —MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, who moonlights as a professor of political science at Tulane

Harris-Perry, who recently opined that an unborn child is a “thing” that takes a “lot of money” to “turn into a human,” now believes that those who are born are property of the state. Just look at the outcome of trillions of dollars spent to maintain government welfare plantations and educational institutions. Or consider the above stories about Plan B and education on the Constitution.


Disarm us? And arm who? I will not disarm. You will have to force me and I will fight back, lose most likely…But fight back..

Obama: Arm Somalis, Disarm Americans On the same day President Barack Obama kicked off his week of gun control campaigning in Connecticut, in hopes of passing new gun laws affecting American citizens, Obama on Monday approved the providing of arms […]



That is how the left and liberals and media operate…Not about people, about ‘things’, ‘stuff’, their rodrammed feelings..And Buck Ofama would get excited if it were dog. A meal of his they say…

Can You Imagine the Coverage If It Were Dogs?

Last night on twitter, Dave Weigel of Slate noted he was just hearing from twitterers about the gruesome trial of Kermit Gosnell. Those who care about the story owe a tremendous debt to Kirsten Powers taking to the pages of USA Today to write about it.

It is fascinating how much of a bubble the media lives in with that bubble so DC-NYC centric. It is again one of the problems for news organizations like CNN as it tries to rebuild. With the exception of Fox News, the American news networks focus on the things people along the coast are interested in and not what people along the American river valleys are talking about.

In churches, local restaurants, and small town hair salons a lot of people across the country are talking about the terrible trial of Kermit Gosnell in Pennsylvania. It’s just not the people who interact with those who produce the news in New York City.

In fairness to CNN, unlike many other mainstream media outlets, it covered the Gosnell arrest back in 2011, but moved on. Only Fox, which is the number one news network largely because it actually cares what people outside the DC-NYC bubble care about, has stayed with the story.

Gosnell is now on trial two years after his arrest. The stories coming from the trial via the few outlets willing to pay attention are horrific and gruesome. But what’s more, similar stories are trickling out from other abortion clinics. The uncommon barbarism of Kermit Gosnell’s clinic turns out to be more common than most might imagine.

. . . please click here for the rest of the post →


Who is Ed Mezvinsky?…

Who is Ed Mezvinsky?…

Edward “Ed” Mezvinsky born January 17, 1937, is a former Democrat congressman.

As a Democrat, he represented Iowa ‘s 1st congressional district in the United States House of Representatives for two terms,

from 1973 to 1977.

He sat on the House Judiciary Committee that decided the fate of Richard Nixon.

He and the Clinton’s were very politically intertwined for years.

In March 2001, Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud.

He was sentenced to 80 months in (Federal) prison.

Ed Mezvinsky embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the notorious Nigerian e-mail scams.

After serving five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008. He remained on federal probation through 2011,

and still owes $9.4 million in restitution to his victims.

So who is he?

Marc and Chelsea Mezvinsky

He’s Chelsea Clinton’s father-in law.

Has anyone heard mention of this in any of the media?

If this guy was Jenna or Barbara Bush‘s, or better yet, Sarah Palin’s daughter’s, father-in- law, the news would be an everyday headline.

Some say there are no double standards in politics . . . S-u-r-e there aren’t…

Thugs! Gawker! End Times! Need.

How all thugs, murderers, rapist and other threats to life, liberty and happiness should be dealt with..A gun and a person who knows how to use it!

TX:Thug Threatens man, Gets Shot

And robbers….

KY:Update: Attempted Armed Robber Shot, Killed

And all other miscreants..

WA:1 intruder killed, 1 wounded when Wash. homeowner opens fire

Don’t be a victim!

Florida: Father Brings Crime Spree To An End By Shooting Armed Robber Outside Burger King…

But you know the gun grabbing anti liberty Government does not want you taking care of yourself as such…They want you dead…Cause then the Police have a real crime to investigate!! Killing the bad guys up front leaves them with nothing to do!


Okay. Now Gawker needs every damn person affiliated with them exposed. Name, address, family the whole damn works!!

Gawker releases list of gun owners in New York City


Just for the heck of it!

Is END TIME Prophecy Unfolding Before Our Eyes? [VIDEOS]


Why I need a high cap magazine!!

Hey Jim Carey, this photo is the reason someone might need a 100 round clip
