Ridiculous ……

Media, lies and misinformation…

A Baker’s Dozen (TM) examples of media lies and politician worship

Interview with Joe Biden BLEW the Black Vote

Attaboy Joey!!!

More from Joey!!

Biden: 1 thing people in jail have in common is they “can’t read”

Could be satire…But it’s not!!

Would you expect anything else from the Clown News Network?

CNN downplays Biden’s ‘you ain’t black’ comments, avoids on-air coverage throughout the day

Joey is the best thing to happen for Minorities…

Herschel Walker Blasts Biden for Comments on Black Voters: ‘You Don’t Determine Who We Vote For’

CNN, we report only what we want you to hear..Or what our Liberal Overlords tell us to report..

CNN Was Used to Spread Lies And They’re Just Fine with That

Governors wanting to be Tyrants…And doing very well at it!!

Illinois governor says churches may stay closed for a year or more

But Big Box shopping with hundreds of other folks is okay….What a asswipe J.B. Pritzker is.

And then there is Queen Bitch from Michigan..

Gov. Whitmer Extends Michigan’s Stay-at-Home Order Again

Another solid Democrat Governor…..

FascistBook censors again…

Facebook restricts Conservative education org, alleges ‘repeated sharing of false news’

Apparently does not meet FascistBook’s standards. Whatever those are…

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: Media “desperately wants to see churches stay closed”

“Boy, it’s interesting to be in a room that desperately wants to seem to see these churches and houses of worship stay closed.”


Ridiculous ….

And Democrats love it. Seeing America destroyed because …Orange Man Bad!!!

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Used Imperial College Model, NOW CONFIRMED FRAUDULENT — To Persuade Lockdown 

** The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic ** The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March ** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US economy and destroy the record Trump economy ** A new critique of the Imperial College Model finds the study is “completely unusable for scientific purposes” — The study is a sham ** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed a garbage model on the White House and the American public and destroyed the US economy


Has been washed up rocker…

Axl Rose insults Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Twitter — and he just responded

What has Rose done to help???



Biden Said He Had 3 Degrees & Was Top of His Class, But It’s Not True – ‘His Memory Had Failed Him’


Freedom of Worship is a Right fatboy…

Illinois Governor Puts SEVERE Restrictions On Churches Saying That They May Not Open Up For A Year Or More

Ever read the Constitution??



The Shutdown Is The Largest Infringement Of Rights In A Century

And people are getting more then a bit angry..



200+ actors, academics call for radical transformation away from capitalism




Ridiculous …..

Freedom? Not much…

In That Place Where Great Britain Used to Be


The ‘Squad’?

The “Coven’ is more apt.

‘The Squad’ Proposes Bill Allowing Feds To Literally Cancel Property Rights During Pandemic



STATE TYRANNY: Maine Yanks Licenses From Restaurateur Who Defied Lockdown, Went On Tucker To Castigate Governor Featured



Five facts that suggest lockdown is a mistake



Pritzker and Lightfoot — Illinois’s Hypocritical Tyrants

Chicago mayor will find your party, arrest you & your little party goers too


A Wizard of Oz Virus: The COVID-19 Hoax


Gates…Sp reading viruses since 1975..

How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health


Barbecue bad!!

Must be stopped!!!

NYPD Dispatches 1,000 Cops To Stop New Yorkers From Barbecuing On Saturday


Freedom lost will not be regained….

Without a fight…

Land of the treed, home of the craven


Is it??

Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history





Gun Bits ….


Another ploy to stop and arrest citizens?

Illinois State Police Clarify That CCL Holders Can (Probably) Wear Masks During Pandemic, (Maybe) Avoid 3-Yr Jail Sentence

And why would they need a gun anyway??

Because this…

JAIL BREAK: Illinois Gov. Pritzker oversees release of almost 4000 prison inmates since March 1. See the list…

What could possibly go wrong???


Now why would they want that information??

JPFO: Communist Chinese Stole Your Social Security Number… Gun Info, Next?


Truth…But Oh Canada..

Gun rights advocate says federal ban ‘isn’t going to solve a thing’


Heard about this?

Bits and pieces over the years..

Cuba Moves Into South Africa

Sounds terrible..

Also a strong reason to stay armed…

A government that does/allows this type of crap to happen, deserves bullets..


I hope not…

The whole USA may be “Virginia’ed” on gun laws



Biden set to head most anti-gun ticket ever




More guns!!
Less crime!!
In Chicago!!

Since Illinois started granting concealed carry permits this year, the number of robberies that have led to arrests in Chicago has declined 20 percent from last year, according to police department statistics. Reports of burglary and motor vehicle theft are down 20 percent and 26 percent, respectively. In the first quarter, the city’s homicide rate was at a 56-year low.

How can this be true!!



Barry/Barack? Senate Intruding! Canada, Libtard! Riots? 98%!


Registered to vote..

In two places!!

Must be a DemocRAT!!

BOMBSHELL… Barry Soetoro is Registered to Vote in Washington D.C. and Barack Obama Still Votes in Illinois

The Feds…Change is needed..The Feds need to be smacked…
Ruining America..
Elected politicians overstepping their boundaries and intruding where they shouldn’t!

Senate panel to examine state ‘stand your ground’ laws


You mean we would be pretty much pointless like Canada is?

And using a UN study? That is pretty much an oxymoron!!

A Canadian Liberal uses a U.N. Study to “Prove” That America Would be “Better Off” If We had NOT Revolted


Glad I do not live in a large urban DemocRAT run hive and am not to close to one. Unfortunately work in one…
What should I pack JIC? Shotgun, semi auto black rifle? hmm
Always have my EDC though..

Against! Police State? Bad News? Don’t Care! The Nuge! Unions!

How to make a gun grabbing, anti freedom, LIEberal start babbling about the ‘children’ or some such thing.

Throw facts at them..

Survey Finds Law Enforcement United Against Gun Control


Are we? Living in a Police State?

Are Americans Living in a Police State?

Seems like it when you see crap like this!!

Dozens of Cops Dispatched to Shut Down ‘Illegal’ Lemonade Stand

Wow…What a threat…


He is dead. Zimmerman found NOT Guilty..Lets move along now..

Caruba: More Bad News for Trayvon


He doesn’t. Nor anything else that does not fit his or Buck Ofama‘s agenda..

Eric Holder Doesn’t Care About Chicago Murders

The Nuge says it. Like it or not. He says it!
And I agree with him!

NUGENT: Zimmerman Was Justified and Black Racism Has Spiked Thanks to Obama


First we want it! Now we don’t! Unions, led by greedy fat bahs-turds!!

Whom want to make sure their greed is satisfied at all times!

Unions Frantically Searching for a Way Out of Obamacare


Rich Bahs-turd! Biased!! Sads? Outrageous! Moonbeam!! Hustlers!

Nanny Bloomberg. Egotistical rich bahs-turd using his billions to get his way!!

Bloomberg to honor Manchin with cash – West Virginians lose out on jobs due to Manchin’s gun control push

Was no reporting involved. Biased, untruthful, divisive liberal bullshit!!

Zimmerman trial: Did wall-to-wall media coverage inform, or entertain?


And we whom believe in Freedom and our God given rights should care what this assO thinks or feels? Well we should because he does have Buck Ofama‘s ear or something!

David Axelrod has a case of the sads over ‘win for NRA’ in Illinois


Outrageous: Pentagon Mulls Cutting Danger Pay for Veterans Overseas

The Obama administration has a curious relationship with veterans. On the one hand, the President enjoys using soldiers for photo ops during elections.

On the other hand, his administration doesn’t make sure military votes count, scraps fireworks for soldiers (even when local businesses offer to provide them for free), cuts hot meals for soldiers in Afghanistan, and temporarily suspends care for wounded warriors under sequestration.


Only a flipping DemocRAT!

Instead of Fixing Things in America, Democrats Wasting Time Trying to Put a Park on the Moon


Is all they know..Double standards and hypocrisy!!

Race Hustlers and Double Standards

Zimmerman, Deen and Racism in Black and White


‘Gun Map’? Last One! But Rahm! Gun Win! Recall.


Okay then print the names and addresses of all employees of the newspaper. All of them…Not just so called ‘reporters’. Is no such animal today..

But every single employee.

Names, addresses everything..

FOIAed again: ‘Gun map’ newspaper seeks more info on firearms owners

Last one. In spite of a Anti Freedom Governor, pandering to his voters base, which has the strictest gun laws and the highest crime rate, with guns.
Yeah makes sense..

Illinois becomes last state in nation to allow concealed-carry

But Chit-cago, which does not appear to have gun laws that work. For lawful citizens. The bad guys ignore them. Wants to pass ‘more’ restrictive laws. Again affecting the law abiding citizens…
Stupid is strong there.

Chicago: Rahm calls special session for vote on semi-auto ban


And look here..

Right-to-Carry permit holder stops robbers on spree, WCSC, Charleston, S.C. 06/28/13

Good guy with a legal gun stops bad guys with guns! And I bet they were not supposed to have them guns!!


As it should. Piss the People off. Ignore them. Stomp all over their Rights often enough and…

Gun control recall efforts worry liberals


Apparently I need to travel into the city with a bit more then my usual carry piece for the next few days…Shotgun, .357, howitzer…

The Zimmerman Trial and Black Skin Privilege


Tough Guy! War Against? Pelosi. MAIG! Murderous Windmills! Open Carry! Fool! Ouch!

Or what? Buck Ofama will send his drones after them?

Spineless shit that Ofama is!

US Warns Against Snowden Travel; Fugitive Asks Ecuador for Asylum


Seems to about cover it..The Buck Ofama Regime that is!

The War Against the Constitution and Christianity in the Age of Obama


Like this will happen…Catholic Church has been to liberal for to long now..Trying to change stripes and sound ‘tough’? Not buying it here..Maybe they should bring back the Inquisition?

Priests Rebuke Nancy Pelosi: Repent or Join a Satanic Church

Rich Billionaire, wanna be Despot and Dictator Bloomberg loses one..Whom sees through Bloomberg’s bullshit!!
Windmills kill. But that is okay because they are ‘green’ or some dumbass thing..

“According to a Wall Street Journal op-ed (9/7/2009) by Manhattan Institute‘s energy expert Robert Bryce, Exxon Mobil pleaded guilty in federal court to killing 85 birds that had come into contact with its pollutants. The company paid $600,000 in fines and fees. A recent Associated Press story (5/14/2013) reported that ‘more than 573,000 birds are killed by the country’s wind farms each year, including 83,000 hunting birds such as hawks, falcons and eagles, according to an estimate published in March in the peer-reviewed Wildlife Society Bulletin.’ The Obama administration has never fined or prosecuted windmill farms, sometimes called bird Cuisinarts, for killing eagles and other protected bird species. … It’s interesting that The Associated Press chose to report the story only after the news about its reporters being secretly investigated. That caused the Obama administration to fall a bit out of favor with them. But what the heck, the 14th Amendment’s requirement of ‘equal protection’ before the law for everybody can be cast aside in the name of diversity, so why can’t it be cast aside in the name of saving the planet?” –economist Walter E. Williams


If we don’t stand up for our Rights. Whom will?

Buck Ofama!!???

Not hardly!

Gun Advocates Open Carry in Pennsylvania Park in Defiance of City Ordinance


Buck Ofama does a pretty good job of making a fool of himself on his own….

Snowden, the World, Making a Fool of Obama

From DailyKos?
Waking up….Finally to the sham that is government and whom the real Dictators, Despots are?