GOA :Senate Democrats Move to Reverse Supreme Court’s Heller decision



Senate Democrats Move to Reverse
Supreme Court’s Heller decision

Reid-Leahy move would gut the Second Amendment
in the eyes of the courts

Having failed to get gun control passed in the Senate, Democrats are now making a last ditch effort to reshape the Supreme Court.

Well, we hate to say it, but we predicted this would happen.

You remember when Harry Reid was threatening to destroy the Senate filibuster in January — and later in July — in order to approve Leftist Obama-supported nominees?

You remember, at the time, we said that, if Reid “pulled the trigger” on this so-called nuclear option to destroy the filibuster in some cases — thus eliminating the need for Reid to garner 60 votes some of the time — there would be no impediment to Reid doing anything he wanted with 50 votes (plus Biden) in other cases?

And you remember we said that it wouldn’t take long before Reid tried to limit the filibuster and use a mere 50 Democratic votes to approve other things as well — like an anti-gun Supreme Court justice to replace Supreme Court “swing vote” Anthony Kennedy?  The immediate ramification of such an appointment would be to overturn the Heller case (which held that the Second Amendment is an “individual right,” not just the right of a state to raise a militia).

Finally, you remember that Harry Reid said, at the time, that his shady precedent would just apply to Executive Branch nominees, not judges?

Well, it hasn’t taken long for his lie to be exposed.

The anti-gun Democratic Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy (D-VT), has just called for blowing up the Senate rules to approve judges with 50 votes.  See Roll Call, “Leahy Eyes ‘Nuclear Option’ Threat to Confirm Judges,” (August 2, 2013).

Although Leahy doesn’t explicitly say so, this would eventually include Obama’s prospective anti-gun replacement to the 80-year-old Kennedy — and would mean that the Second Amendment, in the eyes of the courts, would no longer exist.

Again, Justice Kennedy cast the deciding vote on the 5-4 Heller decision.  So, if he is replaced by an anti-gun Obama nominee, Heller is gone.  

ACTION:  Click here to urge your Senators to oppose the anti-gun “nuclear option” to blow up the Senate rules. Tell them that any vote in favor of weakening the filibuster rules for judicial confirmations will ultimately result in a reversal of the Heller case — and a body-blow to the Second Amendment.

Obama Will Sign UN Gun Treaty While Congress Is On Vacation


Obama Will Sign UN Gun Treaty While Congress Is On Vacation

You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. Jay Carney said Obama will sign the UN Arms Trade Treaty “before the end of August…We believe it’s in the interest of the United States.” This is very strategic timing considering Congress is on a 5 week vacation lasting thru the month of August!

These back door tactics are nothing new for the Obama Administration, which is why we are using tactics of our own to stop his anti-gun agenda. We have the home fax numbers of every Senator so while they are absent from the Capitol we can demand they must not ratify the UN Gun Treaty once Obama signs it.

We CAN stop this international treaty from reaching American soil by killing it the United States Senate. The U.S Senate must ratify an international treaty for it to be effective. They would need 67 votes to ratify the treaty. Reach every U.S.. Senator at their home office; tell them you do not want this treaty in OUR United States!

Select Here To Fax The U.S.. Senate At Their Home Offices:


DO NOT Ratify The UN ‘Arms Trade Treaty’!

Everything Obama tackles in office is strategically timed and politically motivated. He only looks out for himself, his fellow liberals, and his anti-gun agenda. After mass shootings the Administration would launch all-out attacks on our gun rights since the country would be more susceptible to change after a traumatic event. He made sure the Benghazi cover up was swept under the rug until he got re-elected. He will wait to attack certain issues until the 2014 Congressional elections so he’ll know how many liberals are by his side.

Obama believes now is the best time to sign the UN Gun Treaty since Congress is out of Washington. He will have less scrutiny to worry about if Congress is not nearby. He also thinks the public eye is not paying attention too closely. It is the slow summer months, people are on vacation, Congress is out of Washington so nothing must be happening.

Obama may think he is being sneaky but we will make sure the public knows what he is up to and so will all 100 U.S. Senators. By sending faxes to each Senator’s home office, they will realize how important this issue is to the American people. If we are reaching out to them while they are on vacation they will know they must take action. We must flood the home offices with faxes from Patriots across the country demanding our U.S. Senate does not ratify this international gun grab!

Select Here To Fax The U.S. Senate At Their Home Offices:


DO NOT Ratify The UN ‘Arms Trade Treaty’!

Gun advocates are weary of the language in the treaty including the fact that ‘small arms and light weapons’ are among the included weaponry that could be regulated by the United Nations. The UN Gun Treaty is a lot like ObamaCare; we will not know what it fully entails until it is implemented. It is impossible to trust the UN’s reassurance that this treaty will not affect our current gun laws or our Second Amendment. After all, the UN Arms Trade Treaty had previously been rumored as a replacement of the Second Amendment.

The Obama Administration seems to be thrilled with the thought of global gun control. John Kerry cannot wait for it to be signed:

“As your review of the treaty continues, we strongly encourage your administration to recognize its textual, inherent and procedural flaws, to uphold our country’s constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership, and to defend the sovereignty of the United States, and thus to decide not to sign this treaty.”

We must make it clear TODAY to the Senate and the White House that the Second Amendment must be protected and that they must reject any and all U.N. Gun Control. Tell them to KEEP THEIR TREATY AWAY FROM OUR GUNS!

Select Here To Fax The U.S. Senate At Their Home Offices:


DO NOT Ratify The UN ‘Arms Trade Treaty’!

All of the evidence suggested Trayvon threw the first punch, Trayvon was on top, Trayvon was unloading significant damage onto Zimmerman, and Zimmerman used deadly force to defend himself. No matter what the facts are, the anti-gunners continue to push their agenda to try to get what they want.

It is our job as Americans and Second Amendment Patriots to meet the anti-gun crowd head on. We will fight any legislation that tries to destroy our self-defense laws or our Second Amendment rights. We need your help in order to launch a significant attack against the anti-gun agenda. They use smoke, mirrors, and lies to push their agenda while we show the facts. So many resources are needed in order to be successful against the anti-gun crowd. Anything you can give us will be substantial in maintaining our goal of protecting America’s Second Amendment!

Select Here To Fax The U.S. Senate At Their Home Offices:


DO NOT Ratify The UN ‘Arms Trade Treaty’!

The uncertainty begins in the discussion of small arms. Where will the regulations on our small arms start, and where will they stop? They are even trying to include ammunition regulations in the Arms Trade Treaty! Will the United Nations try to impose international licensing requirements, an international registry, or international?

The last negotiations for an Arms Trade Treaty took place in July 2012, just four months before the Presidential election. Obama did not want to take a big stance for global gun control just months before his re-election but now he has made it clear he is for total gun control. He also told voters he would not be re-visiting negotiations for an Arms Trade treaty but here we are.

Select Here To Fax The U.S. Senate At Their Home Offices:


DO NOT Ratify The UN ‘Arms Trade Treaty’!

Since his re-election it has become clearer than ever what is at the top of his agenda; taking our guns away! The Obama Administration has been exploiting tragedies since the election to push gun control at the city, state, federal, and now GLOBAL level.

Our Senate took a stance before the Presidential election when 51 of them wrote Obama a letter saying they would not support an Arms Trade Treaty. We must let our entire U.S. Senate know we do not support international gun control. They must not ratify this international treaty.
Sincerely Yours,

Alan M. Gottlieb
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

FEMA Camp? Re-Elect? Travel warning? Weakness? Disarmed by Dems! Kid Rock!

Are We Looking at a FEMA Internment Camp in Ohio? (via http://www.thebrennerbrief.com)

FEMA Internment Camp In Ohio? For years now, we’ve been hearing about FEMA camps in the United States. I’ve heard about them. You’ve no doubt heard about them. Even Rachel Maddow has discussed aspects of Mr. Obama’s “preventative incarceration…


The Latest Al Qaeda Threat & The Campaign to Reelect President Obama (via http://www.thebrennerbrief.com)

Israel is believed to have conducted another strike in Syrian territory – a massive attack on a suspected chemical weapons facility and the first on Syrian chemical weapons, the largest arsenal in the Middle East.  Sources for the report are multiple…


Travel warning?

Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia


Sign of weakness?

Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard and regular commentator at Fox news, has said the closing of U.S. embassies in 21 countries is a sign of weakness on the part of the U.S. and suggests capitulation to al-Qaeda.


Public School Teachers and staff disarmed by Democrats

I’m sure most have heard about Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, a Democrat, has denied Arkansas Public School teachers or staff to carry weapons of any kind on Arkansas school campuses. This edict came down from On High quickly after Clarksville School District announced it would train teachers and staff as guards at the City schools.

I’m curious, if there is a lawyer out there, that if the unthinkable should happen and a Conn. type shooting occur in Arkansas, can this Attorney General be sued by the families or charged with wrongful death?
Just as the Federal Government should be curbed in how it dictates to the states, State Government should be curbed in how it dictates to townships. No one has the right, legally or otherwise, to mandate that children be unguarded in today’s society.


Kid Rock….From Detroit…Like The Nuge….Similar in attitudes it appears..Good!!

Fishing. Using Newton. Recall. Gag Order.

Not sure I could do this…But..

Former Cheerleader Becomes First Woman to Win Okie Noodling Festival

Wow..72 lbs…

Must have been a heck of a wrestling match!!


Dem. Senator Admits Using Newtown Families to Break GOP Gun Control Filibuster

WV Teen Arrested for NRA T-Shirt Now Threatened with Gag Order from Prosecution – See more at: http://gunsnfreedom.com/wv-teen-arrested-for-nra-t-shirt-now-threatened-with-gag-order-from-prosecution/#sthash.VpsMA7fB.dpuf

Anti’s! Rights!

But Sir…I did not see them behind the Deer I shot!

They were in the woods with no Blaze on!!!

The law says they should have been!

Yeah, won’t work probably…

How to Deal with Anti-Hunters & Harassment


More Anti’s. This one led by DipWad Nanny Bloomberg and his gang of felonious Mayors..

GRNC to Face Down Bloomberg Anti Freedom Tour Bus at Raleigh NC This Saturday

We elect folks to pass fair and equitable laws..
Those appointed or hired should have no say in that..Yet they do…
So I guess we need our elected Politicritters to pass laws to protect us from these fools..
Becasue they have no business trying to take our Rights away!!

Lummis Bill Gets State Department Out of the Gun Control Business


Buck Ofama…Diligently attacking our Rights and trying to destroy our values!!

Once again after what he and his henchmen and thugs cannot control!!

Obama’s Attack on Catholic Education Fits His Policy of Destroying American Values


If the shoe fits and you appear to follow a certain line…Well then..

NRA Ties WV Sen. Manchin to Obama & Bloomberg on Gun Control


GOA: Taking on Zero Tolerance in Schools

Taking on Zero Tolerance in Schools
supporting Jared Marcum against overzealous prosecutor
Gun Owners Foundation has come to the defense of a West Virginia teenager who is actually being prosecuted (a.k.a., persecuted) for his pro-gun views.
Jared Marcum wore a T-shirt to his Logan County middle school in West Virginia on April 18 — a decision that has since sparked a national controversy.
No, Jared’s T-shirt did not depict a Muslim beheading a victim while shouting Alahu Akhbar!  Such depictions of violence would violate the school’s dress code.
Jared’s T-shirt depicted a hunting rifle with the message: “Protect Your Right.”  And now, he faces up to a year in jail for doing so!
The outrageousness of this case has prompted the involvement of Gun Owners Foundation, which has agreed to help Jared pro bono.
It all began on April 18.  Everything was fine for the morning classes, but then the day went goofy when an anti-gun teacher confronted Jared in the lunch line and told him to turn his shirt inside out.
Jared pointed out that his shirt did not violate school policy.
The teacher sent Jared to the office where the same back and forth was repeated with the administration.  Then a police officer was summoned who ordered Jared to turn his shirt inside out.  Jared told the officer and the administration that he was doing nothing wrong.
According to the officer, Jared’s shirt constituted a terrorist threat.  He did not put that in his written report, but instead charged Jared with obstructing an officer (apparently Jared interrupted the officer while he was talking to the administration).
Jared was cuffed, charged and told that he could be fined up to $500 and spend up to a year in jail.  The prosecutor decided to press the charge, and a judge allowed the prosecution to proceed.
In a town of less than 2,000, what are the odds that at least five adults are this insane?  And all on the same day?
Zero Tolerance can be better understood as Zero Judgment.
Jared was suspended for a day.  When he returned to school, around 100 students wore similar shirts, and Jared wore the same shirt that fried the brains of five grownups two days earlier.  Nothing happened.  None of the students heard a word about their T-shirts.
Jared and his stepfather, Allen Ladieri, are to be commended for not backing down, and Gun Owners Foundation is actively supporting the case.
Usually, Gun Owners Foundation supports individuals appealing convictions on firearms charges that involve constitutional issues.  But we think that Jared’s case warrants special attention, as it involves both First and Second Amendment freedoms.
If we are not allowed to make pro-Second Amendment statements — all because somebody is offended — then we can count the days to when we’ll lose the freedoms enshrined in both Amendments.
If Jared prevails in this case, we may have finally reached a turning point regarding Zero Tolerance, which is one of the most insidious policies being inflicted on the nation’s young people.
ACTION:  While GOF is helping defend Jared Marcum pro bono, there are obviously significant costs involved.  So please help by making a tax-deductible contribution to Gun Owners Foundation.  You can assist in the Jared Marcum defense by giving a contribution to GOF here.

Gun Control! Idiots! Shall Issue! Don’t Mess! Ammo!

“Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.” —James Madison


Once again the facts are there and the left denies them.

Their Gun Control Utopia, Chicago proves once again how well it does not work. Well for the honest, law abiding disarmed folks.

The bad guys, thugs, gang bangers…Probably laughing as they pull the trigger.

Chicago’s Weekend Shooting Tally: 10 Dead, 44 Injured


Village Idiots

The only thing to fear… “At one Tea Party rally this week, mobs chanted ‘Waterboard Obama, Waterboard Hillary!’ At another, radicals waved signs with Nazi symbols. … [T]he Democratic Senate is the only thing holding back the right-wing House from implementing their radical agenda.” —Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) fundraising appeal

Belly laugh of the week: “If anything, we are overachieving on deficit reduction right now, given where we are in terms of the current year and immediate economic needs.” –Treasury Secretary Jack Lew

Things the stimulus was supposed to fix but didn’t: “Collapse of bridge in WA underscores urgent need for infrastructure investments. Will latest falling structure prod Rs in Congress to act?” –tweet from Obama adviser David Axelrod

Sycophants: “I love the Clintons and they know it. Bill and I are friends for 22 years, 23 years. He’s creating the greatest post-presidency in the history of the presidency. … [I]f [Hillary] decides to run [for president again], I would walk across the country to get her into office.” –singer Michael Bolton


Newspulper Headlines:

Shortest Books Ever Written: “The Good Side of the IRS Scandal’ –NationalJournal.com

Longest Books Ever Written: “Obama’s Forgotten Victims” –The New York Times

He’s in the White House: “Easily Confused Man Missing From South Side” —Sun-Times Media Wire (Chicago)

Questions Nobody Is Asking: “Is Bob Dole the Future of the Republican Party?” –Washington Examiner website

Bottom Story of the Day: “Somebody Did Something” –The New York Times

(Thanks to The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto)



From 2003 when Minnesota passed the Shall Issue

to October 2008  there were 55,000 plus permits issued..

From November 2008 through April 2013 there were almost 83,000 permits issued.


I think not.

Buck Ofama has driven the gun industry to new heights!!


Don’t mess with her purse!!


Where Has All The Ammo Gone, Part Deux

Murder OK! Wild Bill. Point of View!

Colorado….No reason what so ever to visit there anymore…

Colorado Decriminalizes Gosnell Abortion Methods – No Rights For Unborns

In close coordination with Planned Parenthood, Democrat lawmakers have repealed the Colorado criminal abortion statutes which is the premise of the newly passed House Bill 1154 – prohibiting criminal prosecution of abortionists like Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnellmaking it legal in Colorado to kill a child, regardless of the circumstances surrounding his/her birth.


Wild Bill Justice..


The NRA Convention from the Women’s Point of View (via http://www.thebrennerbrief.com)

Lisa is married to a long time NRA member and was familiar with the organization prior to becoming married. She states that her father – tragically – committed suicide with a rifle so she was not personally a fan of guns. That all changed when she began doing her own research on the actual facts…


Brazilian Group Joins Growing Coalition Against Gun Control

The International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR) announces that Brazilian gun rights group Movimento Viva Brasil has joined the international coalition of 25 groups in 16 different countries dedicated to the preservation and defense of civilian firearms rights.


Continue reading

Win For Minnesota Gun Owners!!

You did it!

Your calls, emails, and attendance at the hearings told our legislators that we won’t stand for any more infringements — and they listened. Today, Minnesota House Speaker Paul Thissen announced that the House would not be hearing any gun control bills this session.

No “assault weapon” bans.

No magazine bans.

No universal registration.

No confiscation.

GOCRA supporters flood the capitol for hearingsAs we told the Pioneer Press last night:

Andrew Rothman, vice president of the Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance, said critics like to point to the National Rifle Association as the “500-pound-gorilla” because the organization can send in professional lobbyists.
But it’s local grass-roots groups like his — where the power is people, not money — that make an impact, he said.
“Day to day, week to week, year to year, it’s the locals making those one-to-one contacts with legislators and our volunteer lobbyists who spend time at the Capitol for 25 years that make that difference. You don’t have to like us or agree with us to trust us, but we have that track record,” Rothman said. “By far, we saw that in the hearings in February and March, when the gun rights supporters outnumbered the gun banners 10 or 20 to one. That wasn’t an accident. It was because our people care. And there are a lot of us. And those who are out to restrict rights of others are in a tiny, tiny minority.”

The Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance has no paid staffers. Since 1989, the group has relied on volunteers and donations from Minnesota residents to get the word out, Rothman said. And their voices are being heard loud and clear.

What’s Next?

Don’t sit back and relax quite yet! While gun control is dead this session in Minnesota, in Washington, D.C., it’s still on the table.

  1. Call and email Senator Franken, Senator Klobuchar, and your Congressman or Congresswoman (see the end of this email for phone numbers and email links). Tell them that Minnesotans have shown how they feel about having their rights threatened. Tell them that as a constituent, you expect them to respect the Second Amendment.
  2. Call or email Rep. Tony CornishRep. Debra Hilstrom, and Sen. Julianne Ortman and thank them for their strong, principled leadership in defense of our rights this session. If your own reps served you well, let them know. If they didn’t, let them know that, too!
  3. If you haven’t yet signed up for a GOCRA membership, we hope you will. The next fight is always just around the corner.

Thank you for being a part of our winning team!


Your GOCRA volunteer crew:

Alfred, Andrew, Bryan, David, Evan, Jason, Joe, Lonn, Mark, Pat, Paul, Rich and Rob
Please forward this email to gun owners and civil rights supporters, and ask them to sign up at http://www.gocra.org/join.html

Ignorance! Gone! Inconsistent!

Well it is Kalifornistan. Land Moonbeams and Moonbats!!

Institutionalized ignorance: How California encourages gun crimes


How to screw yourself, by Colorado Democrats!!

Erie based Magpul begins making ammunition magazines outside Colorado


What would one expect from a Muslim?

Buck Ofama cleanses Day of Prayer of Christianity


How about outright lies and fabrications?

Girls, Guns and the Inherent Inconsistency of An Anti-Gun Media


Rooster Crows

From the Roof Top

Western Rifle Shooters Association

Random stuff, but mostly about Guns, Freedom and Crappy Government..


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